Friday, July 13, 2012

Obama and the "recovery"

Lately, we’ve been hearing a lot about “the recovery” and lot of arguing over who’s to blame for its supposed slowdown. But before we got too bogged down in who’s responsible for retarding economic growth, maybe we should first look at the data.
Without one word of explanation, Harvard University econ professor Greg Mankiw posted the following graph to his blog: Bureau of Labor Statistics
As you can see, the shaded area indicates the recession and everything to the right of that is the so-called “recovery.”
So, was this what the White House meant when it said we’re moving in the right direction or should we just not read too much into the data?


  1. For some reason I got a broken link.

  2. Hey Old NFO.. I checked the blog on the wife's computer and it is complete, the graph shows up as does the article. I don't know what the problem is:(


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