Thursday, February 5, 2015

Busy..busy..busy....and some small pithy comments...

I have been busier than a one legged man in a....

  It has been like that....
     A few thoughts...

That Jordanian Pilot who was burned by according to Obungler..the "JV"...Well Jordan immediately hung 2 ISIS prisoners in reprisals.   Being burned to death is to me the worst death imaginable.   I wonder if ISIS is trying to demoralize the other Arab nations that are fighting ISIS.  Also a thought,...Anybody that is an Officer in the Jordanian service and especially a F-16 driver has links to the royal family.  That would explain the  quick reaction of the Jordanian Government immediately hanging the 2 ISIS terrorist that they captured.

     Brian Williams the NBC anchor apologized about fabricating a story about he being under fire in 2003.  Well Hillary fabricated a story about her landing under fire in Bosnia ..but the mainstream media gave her a pass.  Surprising that they turned on one of their own.

And finally we are having diseases crop over here that we have almost exterminated.  Now we are having measles show up in schools, daycare and Disneyworld.  But people are dancing around the subject......Where did they come from........Perhaps it was all these kids that showed up last year at the behest of Obama to foment a border crisis.   Funny...He walks guns into Mexico and walks illegal kids into the United States....I am expecting Polio to make a comeback......


  1. I can relate to the first one, the others... not so much...

  2. LOL. I find humor here every time. I have no idea why the are turning on Brian, but give a pass to politicians. Maybe they hold themselves at higher standards. LMAO


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.