Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rules of Bacon and other intemperate thoughts...

     I was cooking breakfest this morning and I was putting some bacon in the pan,
Yeah I know....Turkey Bacon..but trying to eat healthy

  I was cooking the bacon, had finished the grits(Yes this is the south) and was fixing to start on the eggs and the biscuits were in the toaster oven,  I was drinking coffee out of my grumpy mug..
Yeah...That is the one...

   I started thinking(Yes dangerous I know...) I have noticed the proliferation of Bacon related items.. from the Rules of Bacon:
    From posters to animals...
and various meme's
     I started wondering that the love of bacon is a subliminal rejection of the healthnazi's and other people that are being super busybodies that like getting all in other peoples business by telling them what they can or can't do.  I started wondering if this is the average American 's response to the big government agenda and they are doing it on a personal level.  
     I remember when I was little, bacon was just something that was eaten in the morning and there was nothing about it.  But now Bacon has its own food group. I believe that there is a pushback going on in the culture war. 

 Even Jesus is in on it....


  1. Good ones! I like those rules too!!! :-)

  2. Good ones! I like those rules too!!! :-)

  3. Absolutely, Mr. G! sense cutting out REAL bacon if you are eating biscuits and grits. Might as well go whole hog. Pun intended. And turkey bacon is good, too. Certain kinds.

  4. Absolutely, Mr. G! sense cutting out REAL bacon if you are eating biscuits and grits. Might as well go whole hog. Pun intended. And turkey bacon is good, too. Certain kinds.


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