Friday, September 29, 2017

"Let them kneel"

I saw this from one of the Facebook veteran groups that I belong to.  I really thought it was very good, I thought about putting it on my facebook status but I didn't feel like having my facebook posting on my page become a free fire zone...and yes I thought of it anyway....Does that make me a bad person?   Like I care what they think anyway. f**n dickheads

Let them kneel. Let them speak. Let them do what they are best at. We never go to a knee willingly. They have an off season. We work year round. Let them "do battle" on Sundays and think they know anything of war. We will never forget, yet will do it again anytime our country calls.
They get time outs. We suck it up.
They have injuries that sideline them. We dress it and press on.
They miss a season due to "turf toe." Our feet blistered and bled, we didn't slow down.
They have lost dear friends due to free agency. We have lost friends in our arms.
They will give up on the play if their teammate doesn't block for them. We will gladly take a bullet for our teammates.We have lost our friends in our own arms.
They make millions and will not show up to work until they get more. We hover above the poverty line and go to jail if we don't go to work.
They abuse drugs and alcohol because they can't cope. 22 of us commit suicide every single day.
They are celebrities and heroes to children. We are only recognized by our fellow veteran brothers. We wouldn't have it any other way!
Let them kneel, let them speak... for cowards die a thousand deaths, but a man of honor will live forever.
Let them disgrace what we hold dear, they will never know honor. Stand true to your ethos.
Let them kneel, let them speak....look them in the eyes and smile because they will never be us.
They aren't made from the same cloth and can't ever measure up.
They will never be us!

   P.S I hate reCAPcha, gets more complicated


  1. Replies
    1. Hey JerseyGirl;

      Thank you, I was and am still quite angry about the antics

  2. Replies
    1. Hey Old AFSarge;

      Thank you, I would claim credit but it wasn't me that wrote it, I ran across it on Facebook

  3. Good, since you put this up, I won't!

    1. Hey Old NFO;

      Occasionally I get something good from Facebook :)


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.