Sunday, September 24, 2017

Some quick musings...

it is Sunday morning and I just got home from work so I figured I would post a few pithy thoughts

   First off, apparently President Trump pissed off a bunch of people that had no issues taking a knee during the National Anthem.  These people were really upset that he called them out and they are talking a bunch of protest and other actions....the Funny thing is that the people that are mad at Trump already hate him so it is nothing new.  I will not watch any NFL football, apparently having a bunch of overpaid, overindulged, spoiled athletes complain about racism and social justice where they live better than 99% of Americans and they bitch and complain....?
But this isn’t about black lives for these people. This is about using dead black bodies as props to Virtue signalling their righteousness likely to compensate for their Playboy lifestyle and baby daddy culture.
Screw the players screw the NFL Let It Burn
Also the same people are complaining about President Trump retweeting the Golf ball heard around the world...LOL
And Hillary is out there promoting her new book, and she is blaming everyone but herself....To me, she is the gift that keeps on giving, the more people that see the angry bitter women casting blame on everyone because they denied her her birthright.

She will keep being the face of the establishment democrat party and she will be the albatross around their neck, the lying, smug, conceited, self centered, and narcissistic person that she is.

   And Finally...I hate gets more difficult to use with multiple clicks on multiple images and it takes longer.

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