Friday, November 24, 2017

Some thoughts on the NFL protest...and Post Thanksgiving shopping

I saw a post on the Standard about Lynch sitting for our anthem and standing for the Mexican anthem and it again pissed me off so I did a respectable response in the comments and this is what I posted...

They want to protest, that is fine, do it on their own time on their own dime.  I am irritated that they brought politics into football. the politics have surrounded us, We watch football to escape the politics.
      When you have players kneeling for our national anthem but stand for "Hail to the Queen" in the games in England and for the Mexican National Anthem whom have a crappier "civil rights" record than we do, the protest fall kinda flat.  To me this is virtue signaling. 
    I have served under that flag and have friends buried under that flag, this protest rings false.  The National anthem is to unite us as Americans not divide us but that is what has happened.  The players want to protest police brutality, there are other ways to do this, not polarize their cause.   The NFL is losing viewers and sponsors by this, and the NFL Commissioner will not do anything about it.   The far left support the players that protesting but will not attend any of the games, too violent you know...and the players are pissing off the blue collar fans that are overwhelmingly conservative with this action who do go to the games and buy the merchandise.  If this continues, the players will in effect will have killed off the golden goose whome they get their huge salary and live better than 99% of other Americans.

    We sent our son on a band trip for the after Thanksgiving parade in another state, I will release the details after he returns.  Call me paranoid but when it comes to my son I am cautious on details.

 SEASON'S BEATINGS: Shoppers punch, kick, scream; Baby hit with shoe...
One shot outside mall, brawls shut another...
BLACK FRIDAY SMACKDOWN: Men squabble over toy car...
And the chaos goes global...
Customers wear employee uniforms to sneak in to stores!
Facial recognition tracking EVERYWHERE; Santa sees everything...
Cyber Monday forecast to be largest shopping day in history...
Credit card problems plague MACY'S...
AMAZON workers strike...

      Well we dropped him and the rest of the band kids at the airport we did a bit of Black Friday shopping.....There is a reason I like shopping online...

 I have heard of fights in Birmingham(Hoover) and other places and the sad thing is people are fighting of cheap crap and it really kills me(pardon the pun) that people are willing to be assholes to each other over a TV or some other electronics.
     We went to a couple of places, the sales weren't bad, the door busters were long gone but the crowds were out in force.  I spent an hour in line at Kohls and held a couple of things while the spousal unit perused the area.  I didn't mind, I like spending time with the wife. and we came home.  There is a reason that online shopping is becoming popular besides avoiding the crowd, I have concerns about "Christmas day Visits" from our local Jihadist.

I was looking for a pic from the Berlin attack and saw this on the google search..
 And this isn't including the squirrel In New York that rented a truck and drove it down a walking trail to see how many infidels he can run over.
     This is a sad state of affairs when you have to worry about getting wacked on a runup for one of the holiest days of the Christian Calender.   This doesn't even consider the usual increase runup of petty crime every year around this time.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, time to hold info close, and make sure one is carrying... Tis the season, dammit...


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.