Sunday, January 14, 2018

Quick post in the "sh!thole" comment

   You know....the people most outraged about this and screaming the loudest about the President and his comment made about "people from a sh!thole country wanting to come here."  This was made by a democratic senator and of course people are offended and screaming "Racist" and other things.  Well a couple of observations....First off, the people that are screaming the loudest already hate Trump, if he walked on water they would grouse that he didn't wash his feet first or something.  second and this is important....those same people have never been outside the United States except perhaps Canada, Western Europe or Japan.  I have been to a quite a few countries that once you get off the airplane and breath the air...well you smell "shit".  It is in the air. 
     Also there is a rush to bring in people from 3rd world countries into this country an and they can't or will not acclimate to this culture, their kids adjust better, but the first generation will not adapt, it is too alien of an experience, the culture gap is too wide.  Also I will go out on a limb, why are we trying to bring in people that will not assimilate into our culture, they insist on keeping theirs and they are perfectly happy using the "public assistance" that we provide and in their eyes it is a "Jizya Tax" or tribute that a lesser culture pays to the dominant culture.  I remember reading a few days ago, that the religion of islam is the 2nd largest religion in the United States...what will happen once the Christian religion is replaced and they implement shaira law.  What then?


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Juvat;

      I know, but I keep hoping that we will not end up like Lebanon.

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    Yep, after a while, they all smell the same.


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.