Thursday, March 21, 2019

Political muses.....

Yep, I got a few political muses....Yeah, Hold on to your hat....

Yesterday I did a post on George Washington and the standard for personal integrity and behavior for all subsequent Presidents and I see this piece where Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, you know the "Indian".....
Yeah Her....She was stumping in Mississippi

Elizabeth Warren did a primary campaign town hall in Mississippi.  While she was there, she advocated for a national vote and ending the electoral college.
2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren calls for abolishing the Electoral College and moving to a national popular vote: “Every vote matters” #WarrenTownHall
— CNN (@CNN) March 19, 2019
She came to Alabama today to do the exact same thing.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren campaigns in Selma, AL: "Nobody comes to Alabama in the general presidential election or to Massachusetts because they figure we're not in the game because of the electoral college. So my view on this is that we ought to get rid of the electoral college."
— The Hill (@thehill) March 20, 2019
Last time I checked, Mississippi had six electoral college votes.  Take those away and absolutely nobody will care about Mississippi.
Alabama has nine electoral college votes, Trump came to Alabama in the general election, Hillary did not. President Trump ran his campaign by the Electoral College, Hillary ran her campaign by the popular vote and stayed in areas with high concentrations of democratic voters.
The only reason Warren and the rest of the Democrats are trying to end the electoral college is so that they never have to set foot in a Flyover state ever again.
What Warren is really saying is "Let me abolish the electoral college so I never have to pander to you podunk fuckers ever again."
Warren is not alone in wanting to end the electoral college, that talking point is now universal among Democrat candidates.
CNN doubled down on it with this mendacious bit of fake news.
The Electoral College has been debated since the days of James Madison, who called it "evil."
So could it actually be abolished? @JohnAvlon explores that in today’s #RealityCheck.
— CNN (@CNN) March 20, 2019
 The Democratic candidates have been pushing the "Green New Deal"

*The Green New Deal is a 10-year plan to create a greenhouse gas neutral society that creates unprecedented levels of prosperity and wealth for all while ensuring economic and environmental justice and security.
The Green New Deal achieves this through a World War 2 scale mobilization that focuses the robust and creative economic engine of the United States on reversing climate change by fully rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, restoring our natural ecosystems, dramatically expanding renewable power generation, overhauling our entire transportation system, upgrading all our buildings, jumpstarting US clean manufacturing, transforming US agriculture, and putting our nation's people to work doing what they do best: making the impossible possible.
Any large-scale transformation of society can create the risk of some people slipping through the cracks. That’s why the Green New Deal also calls for an upgrade to the basic economic securities enjoyed by all people in the US to ensure everybody benefits from the newly created wealth. It guarantees to everyone:
  • A job with family-sustaining wages, family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security
  • High-quality education, including higher education and trade schools
  • High-quality health care
  • Clean air and water
  • Healthy food
  • Safe, affordable, adequate housing
  • An economic environment free of monopolies
  •  Economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work
The frontline communities that are already facing the ravages of climate change and pollution and working-class communities reliant on fossil fuel industries must be prioritized in any transformation of our society to a renewable energy economy. That’s why the Green New Deal lays out a comprehensive plan that ensures training, investment, and the economic and environmental benefits of the transition prioritize these communities that are most at risk.
In short, the Green New Deal fully tackles the existential threat posed by climate change by presenting a comprehensive, 10-year plan that is as big as the problem it hopes to solve while creating a new era of shared prosperity.

*Lifted off her website before they scrubbed it especially after being mocked for "Economic Security for all those unable to work"

    To Read the whole thing, go Here

   Obama....Now in Vanilla

 Also We Have Beto running for President, after getting creamed by Ted Cruz for the senate, he is having a gaff filled field day smoozing the democratic faithful and collecting....well...

 We also had a douchebag kill a bunch of muslim worshipers in New Zealand and the blood wasn't cold before the politicians and activist were blaming  everything but the evil in a mans heart;

The left is blaming President Trump, American Gun Owners and the NRA.  I am dismayed but I have noticed some inconsistencies...When the Muslims kill Christians in Philippines, Nigeria or Egypt, or launch a terror attack in Europe...the News fades quickly but this is being played over and over because the shooter is a white guy and to the left, this is a wet dream come true for them.  And to the left, the muslims are a "victim" group in the belief system of the intersectional left.  The Left has rolled out new gun control laws to take advantage of the opportunity presented so they can strike while the iron is hot and run through more gun control while peoples emotions are running hot.
     The end goal is to disarm the people because once they are disarmed then the government controlled by the democrats will finally have their utopia where they rule all they survey and the people can't do anything about it because are totally dependent on the government for protection since they have no means to protect themselves...Look at London...You have some PM suggesting that they put GPS trackers on all knives being sold in England.  This is after they banned all guns in England, now the only people that have guns are the government...and the crooks that get them from the other crooks across the channel who get them from the crooks in the Urals.
    The politics of today have divided us as a people, we forget that we are Americans first and the people that are separated
as a people cannot survive long as a nation and I wonder if that is the endgame of the statist.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, and that last one is especially poignant...


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.