Friday, October 4, 2019

Quick post...local goins on.

I have been busy with real life, I passed another test on the road to my A&P, I passed my "Powerplant" so all I have left is the "Oral and Practical".  This has taken a lot of time this summer to get done. 
    On a different note, I was an honored spectator where my brother from another mother gave the oath of enlistment to his son at the MEPS station. 
My Brother from another Mother first explained a few things about the delayed entry program and that "the Military is not for everyone, and if you don't want to join, please decide now rather than waste time and money in basic training."  He told me later that the recruiters hated him when he said that to the enlistee's. when he ran a MEPS station during his career but he believed that he was doing the right thing by both the enlistee's and the Service.
 Getting ready to give the oath of enlistment.
Giving the Oath of Enlistment.  His son will be going to Fort Leonard(Lost in the Woods) in Misery
Missouri then off to Fort Sills.
I remembered his son when he was 10 years old and helping me corral cub scouts at the BB ranges I used to run.  Jeez how time flies and I was honored to make the ceremony.   They say that fewer than 2% of the people in this country serve, or have served.  I consider myself fortunate and lucky to count myself in this number and that a lot of my friends have also taken the oath of enlistment.  I still even now consider my oath binding despite my getting out in 1991.

      Yes I bought myself a "new Rifle"......And Yes it is a "HiPoint"

I wanted a rifle in pistol caliber to augment my pistols, the carbine is in .40S&W like my pistols.  I would normally not buy a hipoint, although their warranty is one of the best in the industry.
 The Carbine has a good reputation,  My dad owns a 9mm version and he loved it.   I remembered a couple of years ago where some single mom ventilated 3 wanna be home invaders in Detoilet. I will take the rifle shooting next week, probably at Mack's place of employment on either Thursday or Friday and I will give my impressions at that point.

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