Saturday, August 7, 2021

Some more musings I suppose.....


 Well like a bad penny, they are talking about "Masking" again....Especially in the blue states and the blue cities.  In the red states Like Florida, Texas you have had the governors sign "No Mask Mandates" to keep the power hungry donks in the blue cities and in the school districts from pushing mask mandates because of this new "Delta" variant that the media is scaring the crap out of people on and even the Xiden white house has asked the media to "tone it down" because of the fear.  it was useful to have the lapdog media use the pandemic to scare the crap out of people when President Trump was in the White House in an attempt to punish him, but now that Xiden is in there, now they want to "calm it down?....Wow that is rich.

     I honestly believe that the government and the CDC are using the "Its for the Kids" as an excuse for the mask, where it is a reason to force more controls on people, and all it does is hurt the kids by this virtual crap, kids are social by nature,you have had more kids commit suicide the past 18 months than I am aware of in the past 30 years because of this crap, the government need to be busybodies and control people have damaged an entire generation of kids and they have promoted kids to another grade who are not prepared for it and they will be going up against kids from Russia, China and India who will clean their clock in the world stage because they are not dealing with the same crap we are dealing with.  


     Meanwhile using the pandemic and the now "Deadly Delta Variant" and I have heard of a new "Lamda Variant" peeking around the corner, the government, especially the donks are using the pandemic to get in touch with their inner tyrant for more government control on the population, and the sad thing is that a huge swath of the population welcome the government overlord as "their Savior", no matter the lies, the half-truth and the deceptions, they are like the battered spouses, always taking them back, partially because they get their monthly subsistence checks from the government and others because they have been conditioned ideologically since school to accept the government as their "savior".

     This is part of the left's march through our institutions since the 1960's and they, besides infecting our education system, they have infected our court systems, our federal law-enforcement agencies, and most other parts of the federal government.  All believing in the tenets of modern socialism, and that the government knows best and that is anathema to a free people, I am not sure what it is going to take to correct this, it took many years for the rot to spread and its going to take many years for the rot to reverse if it can be reversed.


     There is noise about putting people that are not vaccinated on the "NO FLY LIST"  Senator Rand Paul went ballistic on that one, saying that equating people that didn't want to get a "Jab" with terrorist was a huge stretch and a big civil rights violations and New York City is requiring you to have your "Vaccine card" to go out in Public, something...Something "Yours Papers Please" in a German accent comes to mind somewhere in the past.  I recall version 1.0 of a fascist dictatorship and it did cause quite a lot of grief and I have no intent on being quiet if version 2.0 starts the installation process here, we have a difference that the Germans didn't have in 1935 when the Nurenburg Laws took effect.


  People today are saying "We would never do what the Nazi's did...They were evil"  Well look at history, you take one of the most advanced countries in the world at the time, culturally, technology, music, medicine, and yet they did one of the most evil the modern world has seen with the exception of Lenin, Stalin and the uber evil of communism.

       We are having the pandemic giving busybodies the opportunities to let their inner Stalin flow and their innate desire to tell their fellow Americans how to live, and they are using the levers of government to do so, and many Americans are now of the mindset "Not no but Hell No" and the battle lines are being drawn, and we are dealing with the uber sanctimoniousness of the left because they are standing on the holy of holies...."Saving lives", Funny how they are using that argument "Wear a Mask, to save others" and the ever popular "It isn't your choice when your presence can infect me".  Like that paper face diaper can stop a virus...Yeah   Yank on the other has bells on it.   


        One effect of the continuing pandemic is that they continued the moratorium on evictions, despite the Supreme court saying "You can't do that".  If this doesn't  proves that we are a banana republic, than nothing does.  It means that the "Rule Of Law" doesn't mean anything if it is a inconvenience to the people in the government.  This is deadly to the republic if the supreme court allows the defiance to stand, than it means that there isn't 3 equal tiers of government anymore, no checks and balances anymore, just the rule of the strongman or in the case of the Xiden administration, the "Rule by committee".  

  This is another feature of the moratorium, the landlords still are expected to pay all the bills of the property from any mortgages, taxes, ete, ete and many landlords are middle class, not rich, they own 2 or 3 houses or properties and manage it themselves.  The Government excuses the tenants not the landlords from their fiscal responsibilities.  And many landlords will lose their properties to the banks who will sell it to Blackstone and other huge funds that have been buying properties and inflating the housing market.  I believe this is a feature not a bug, this is designed to break the middle class and put many of the Middle class into the class of the poor and destitute.  They have to steal our wealth, our property, our 401K's and outlaw our privately owned guns, remember we are the modern day Kulaks and the elitist and their leftist allies have to break us like Stalin did to to the Kulaks of old and I mentioned it in a prior blog post a while back.  

Another problem that the donks ran into with their "Summer of Love" A.K.A the "Mostly Peaceful Protest(TM) where many cities rioted thanks to agitators like BLM(Burn Loot and Murder), and Antifa ran rampant and the democratic mayors and city councils told the cops to stand down or restricted them and allowed the assorted thugs free reign through the cities, and how they have a huge crime problem, they have cities with huge robberies, murders and other crimes that have risen double digit the past 2 years and business will not go downtown to spend money on expensive real estate when they discovered during the pandemic that they can run either from home, or from satellite locations in the suburbs where it is a lot cheaper to operate and a far less tax burden to the company and they don't have to worry about their employee's safety or their business getting burned out because some group is throwing a temper tantrum downtown and the political power structure allows them free reign to destroy and many businesses discover that their insurances don't cover riots and civil disturbances.  Meanwhile the Mayors and City councils have been treating the cops like crap and there have been record retirements from the forces of major cities and no replacements and others just leaving and getting jobs in smaller cities or in "Red" towns where the pay is less, but the people respect them and they don't have to worry about getting thrown under the bus.

    I got this from the Movie "Serenity", but the premise is the same, my friends and I we will not run, we will not cower, we will not go quietly into that long night, we will make it as expensive as possible for them if they try to get stupid and really push the issue, I do know that my "grace" is about exhausted as is many others and we are just tired of the constant pushing and there is no more "give" left in us.


  1. Glad I live in a state that has some sense... AND in a rural area.

    1. Hey Old NFO;

      I am glad you do also, I wish I did also, Georgia is going Purple and possibly Blue pretty soon, and I am not happy about that.


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.