Sunday, October 31, 2021

A few Pithy Thoughts......

 Well Todays is Halloween where creatures, and crawlers and witches and parents escort various other creatures, crawlers and mummies to your door and you will bribe them off with "Candy", Normally a fun day for a kid and I remember charging my kid a 30% parent tax....Gotta get them used to the tax burden early you know.  But there are some unpopular things to pass out during halloween, when I was a kid, it was "Apples", not because it was healthy, but because there was rumors of sicko's putting razor blades in the apples to mess up the kids.....Don't know if it was true...but every apple we collected went right into the trash. Well today is a bit different, 

Meanwhile the CDC is changing their "suggestions" again.....They are either hyper political or hyper incompetent, or both...The net results is that I and many Americans flat out don't trust anything coming from the CDC anymore and it shouldn't be this way certains things you should trust, but I suppose the phrase "I'm from the Government and I am here to help you" has a certain mistrust involved in it, if you are a freedom loving American....Now if you are a statist loving leftist, then you worship big government....but to the rest of us....this is the image that we see......

Meanwhile the Xiden administration has proposed its latest "Get Rich Scheme to Soak the Rich", it is to go after potential or unrealized wealth ....What?   Really?   They are saying that it will only impact the Billionaires and millionaires......I call bovine scatology, you wonder why the Xiden Whitehouse wants to know about any transaction over $600 in your account and they are hiring 80,000 more IRS agents....and you know that they will hire "The Cream of the Crop......Sure they will..." well anyway this is a load of feldercarb...say your house goes up in value....yep it is unrealized wealth, and you will pay tax on it even if you don't sell it.....and when you do sell it, you will pay tax again..Same goes with your 401K's  it is a regulatory nightmare for the financial institutions.They gotta find more ways to pay for all the free goodies they promised people to get their vote.  But if you lose value in your house or your 401K or your other retirement accounts?.....try getting a refund from .gov......Yeah pull on the other has bells on it.  The end results is that it ain't gonna "Soak the Rich", it is going to soak the middle class and strip more of our wealth as is the endgame to turn us from citizens to vassels or serfs.  We are the Kulaks of the Modern age.

 Meanwhile the National School Board and the FBI has teamed up to quell the latest "Threats to Democracy", you know the radicals burning and looting and causing mayhem wherever they go...BLM, Antifa, Islam,  no, you are wrong, ..... Parents that are upset about their kids being indoctrinated by the government to hate themselves with CRT, and the issues of the LGBTQ community and the issues of guys identifying as girls going into the girls bathroom and assaulting girls..And of course people found out a few months ago that the FBI didn't classify BLM or Antifa as "Hate organizations" so they didn't investigate or track them....I said as much last year because they recruit from the same collage campuses so they have a similar world view.

And finally there was an expose that the Oberlord of the Liberal Left, the Grand Poofda of the Deep State Herr Fauchi paid money to study Sand fleas eating live beagles as they were sedated to not move...I wonder how this is playing, but knowing the legacy media it was quashed by most of them because they worship the man whereas the rest of us would like to  shoot him, defenstrate, behead tar and feather,drop him in a deep hole and walk away because of the damage he has done to our country, families, and Western Civilization.

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