Monday, October 10, 2022

Monday Music "A Bridge Too Far" Composed by John Addison


 I started this theme back in November of 2019?...With a couple of interruptions it has been consistent...Dang.


           Saw this meme and *rescued it from farcebook*, why? because I am a humanitarian, that's why.

I am continuing my string of "bugaloo" songs.  This discussion was started in the "Monster Hunter Nation, Hunters Unite", back in November of 2019? it is a Facebook group with enthusiast of the ILOH "International Lord of Hate" A.K.A Larry Correia.  We were talking about what song would we use if we looked out of our window or glanced at our security camera and saw this.....

One of the alphabet bois lining up to take down your house...What would be your "Valhalla" song and you would set it up to play as you load up magazines set up the Tannerite Rover, turn on the water irrigation system and fill it with gasoline instead of water and prepare yourself.

 I figured it would scar the alphabet boys if they come busting in and hearing a song from the 1990's, an excellent Music Decade where we had a President that Loved America and Distrusted Government and made the comment during a speech "The most feared words in the English language to a true American was I am from the government and I am here to help.." and we listen to good music unlike the crap they listen to now sipping their soi latte's and comparing notes on the latest soyburger recipes and who wears the best manbuns in the team.

I went with the Soundtrack from "A Bridge Too Far" because besides a cool soundtrack, the alphabet agencies launching raids on Citizens houses would be a "Bridge Too Far" for many people except the the Donk Drones who would support such action because the state is embracing their inner tyrant like all of them want to be in their heart. 

The late film composer John Addison (Tom Jones, Sleuth) may perhaps be best remembered by millions of TV viewers for his theme for "Murder, She Wrote," but one of his best scores was written for 1977's A Bridge Too Far.


I remembered watching a WWII movie in 1977 called "A Bridge Too Far"  I really liked the movie and the sound track was awesome.  I Still hum the soundtrack every once and a while.   I considered a very accurate telling of a battle told in a movie format.  It was neat seeing all these big name movie stars in the movie and I was living in Europe during the time this movie was filmed, I could relate to what I had seen on the screen.  To me this movie was underrated and next to the film "Midway" is one of my favorite WWII movies.

The film tells the story of the failure of Operation Market Garden during World War II. The operation was intended to allow the Allies to break through German lines and seize several bridges in the occupied Netherlands, including one at Arnhem, with the main objective of outflanking German defenses in order to end the war by Christmas of 1944.
The name for the film comes from an unconfirmed comment attributed to British Lieutenant-General Frederick Browning, deputy commander of the First Allied Airborne Army, who told Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, the operation's architect, before the operation: "I think we may be going a bridge too far", in reference to the intention of seizing the Arnhem bridgehead over the Rhine river.
The ensemble cast includes Dirk Bogarde, James Caan, Michael Caine, Sean Connery, Edward Fox, Elliott Gould, Gene Hackman, Anthony Hopkins, Hardy Krüger, Laurence Olivier, Ryan O'Neal, Robert Redford, Maximilian Schell and Liv Ullmann. The music was scored by John Addison, who had served in the British XXX Corps during Market Garden.

                          The Main Theme from the Movie score by John Addison



  1. if i see them coming, they are going to hear wagner's "ride of the valkyries", ala Apocalypse Now at about 120 db

    1. Hey Cannon

      You just gave me Next weeks "Mondays Music" Thanks :) Excellent choice.

  2. I think we're going to watch "A Bridge Too Far" this afternoon at the firehouse.

    1. Hey Glypto

      Excellent choice, Show all the youngsters how a movie was done before CGI

  3. Yes, excellent film and an excellent score!


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.