Saturday, February 13, 2021

Some goings on at Casa De Garabaldi

I have been really busy with work, my schedule has picked up, I also have been going to the gym after work, I have lost a significant amount of weight and it started in May of last year when I had a friend of mine die of a heart attack, then the next day another one have a heart attack, but he survived, and the same week, I discovered  I was diabetic.  Needless to say, it has been quite a shock to me. Both of my parents are still around and the only thing keeping my fat ass alive was genetics.  So I immediately went on a crash diet.  The results so far is good, I will not say how much weight I have lost , and how much I I am going for until I am where I want to be, but the loss is significant and I am no longer diabetic. A positive is that I can wear clothes I haven't wore in 15 years, I got some really nice leather jackets I can wear again.   What I am saying is that going to the gym and working has cut into my blogging schedule. 

 Y'all remember Christmas Eve when my Son Trenched my yard on Christmas Eve, you can read about it Here.  But here is the "Before" pics

And here is the pic I took Yesterday..

New Grass

I picked up some new books on clearance rack, and they look interesting.

My son turned 18 this week and his first "adult" purchase was a shotgun,   He was so proud of the fact that he bought it and it is "His".
   He paid less than $400 for the shotgun out the door and it is a very nice pump, brand new,. came with 4 different screw in chokes.  It is a 20 Gauge and it is also ported.   he is looking forward to Turkey season.
     I was at work early in the morning freezing my keester off when I saw the sun coming up and it was striking image, so I got some pictures.

This was the first pic....

  This is the second Pic I took

   I thought the pics were really neat.....although it was really cold morning to be out there in the run up hole with the airplane....

   And finally a bit about the Usurper in the White House....

He has been busy with the Executive orders......

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to the boy! That's a LOT nicer than the first gun I ever bought...LOL And you can HAVE those early morning shifts...


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.