
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

This past weekend......In camp...

  Well the 2016 Klondike is history, We came back cold but ok.  The rain earlier in the month forced a change in venue from the primitive camping sites that is normally used due to flooding and water saturation.  This actually benefited us because it forced the move and the move was to a better location, the scouts and their leaders were happier.  we had games..
   And more carnival games....
They had me run a bb and archery range, basically the best shooter from each patrol shoot archery and BB targets.
  At the end of the day, we had a Scoutmaster shootoff....best scores in BB marksmanship and Archery.  The Archery equipment was provided by camp and the BB rifle was furnished by me, brand new Daisy Red Rider..
One of the scoutmasters shooting my rifle.  The scoutmasters enjoyed shooting it and the ribbing they gave each other was entertaining to watch.    I also got a pic of our elusive camp director "Mac" with the girls...
   We think he enjoyed this picture tooo much.   We did have a good time and my son got his "brotherhood" award with the Order of the Arrow.  It was really cold and the sky was clear and the full moon was out....this after telling all the "camp" stories about missing scouts in years gone past and the usual camp stories....
  I enjoyed the trip...but yes I am glad to be home and back in my bed.



  1. Glad it went well, and thanks for stepping up (again)!

  2. Glad it went well, and thanks for stepping up (again)!

  3. Too few young men are exposed to experiences like this these days. A dose of good old fashion fun and outdoor experiences do wonders for the soul that no virtual substitute can replace.


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