Well I came back from my mini vacation and we had gone to the land of the mouse and I was a bum, really didn't go out much, just chilled and read a book that the spousal unit had gotten for me per the recommendation of Mike Rowe,
The book was excellent and I did discover that I had to read with "Cheaters" so I could read the print better......Man it sucks getting older, and of course on the way back we stopped and gassed up at the same place we stopped at on the way down...
You betcha.....Grabbed a brisket and gassed up the Focus for the run into the Atlanta area, then got ready for going back to work. And bummer......No overtime....NOOOOOOO, but I start specific airplane type school on Monday for the next 2 weeks, I will post a bit about that next week.
Well anyway the long anticipated Soviet er I mean Russian attack on the Ukraine has commenced,
I am of 2 minds of this, I want to run a lot of ammo, guns and whatever tank and helicopter buster ordinance they need, but no troops. I stand by my assertion that the people pushing for war with the Russians know that it ain't their kids fighting and dying, but "Flyover Kids" that are gonna fight and die, and truth be told, we don't need to be bogged down there at the end of a logistic chain. Now on few different observations. One was that the Ukraine
Gave up their Nukes with the promise that we would give them security assurances, and Russia signed that agreement as did China, but now China and Russia has violated that agreement and I believe that the Ukraine wishes that they kept a few Nukes especially because Putin has threatened to rattle the nuclear saber at everyone else. The Second point was that there was an agreement that NATO wasn't going to expand farther eastward and there was talk about the Ukraine joining NATO. If I was Putin, I would have been concerned because if you look in the dictionary under "Paranoid", you will find a Russian.
I honestly believe that Putin wants to restore the glory of Soviet Empire without the trappings of the Communist part, but with him in charge, remember he was a colonel in the
KGB before the fall of the Soviet Union. Back before the fall, the Soviet Union was a superpower and feared and respected through the world especially for their military might. Now they are more known for how good their porn is and their cyberhackers...Putin wants to bring back the days that the world trembled before the
Soviet Russian Empire.
Despite the Russian invasion, the various lefties immediately tried to twist the resulting invasion to fit their pet cause to almost humorous effect....I would laugh but these people are deadly serious, this is how they think and act and see life through the prism of their intersectional bias and prejudices. and then pushing into twitter and social media and their vapid followers the bias and lies and flatout bullcrap, I want to laugh but instead shake my head because this shows how far America and Western Civilization has fallen.
Meanwhile the Clown of Climate Change Flipper A.K.A John Kerry made a
Statement about the Russian aggression against the Ukrainians and of course he trotted out his pet cause and he likes to go to summits in private jets and live in a standard of living that he and the rest of "our betters" want us to follow but they will be exempt from by their station in life and we will be destitute but they will be just fine. Again I see the decline of the West in his statement and I wonder if the Romans did the same shit while the Gauls got ready to cross the Danube.
Meanwhile the effect of the invasion is already being felt at the pump, the day of the invasion, I went and gassed up the Focus and pulled the cover off the Truck and since the tank was at 1/3, filled her tank up too. Spent $51 bucks on gas that night.
And the next day gas had jumped 20 to 25 cents a gallon in my area and in other areas it had climbed more than that. When *Orange Man Bad* was the President, we were energy independent until Xiden got elected and he made it a point to shut down all the pipelines he could and shut down and or cripple all the leases he could forcing us to import oil and energy again, I guess making sure Hunter getting his kickbacks from all those energy companies were more important and of course "the Big Guy" getting his 10% " and everyone else pays the price.
Of course Xidens bad poll numbers are causing problems for the donks, their poll numbers are hitting the crater and of course with Xiden being the standard bearer for the Donks and the Party especially for the incoming Midterms
All the assorted chickens that the Donks have been pushing have come back to roost and it is promising to be a bloodbath for the Democratic party and a
Reminder that the voters are not to be blown off but the hardcore donks are ignoring the polling data and doubling down with the "State Knows Best" attitude and continuing with their present course and now from my latest count, there are 30 retirements before the midterms setting the stage for the biggest bloodletting in a 100 years. Of course I had touched on this before in a
Prior Blog Post that Felonia Von Pantsuit will most likely challenge Xiden for the nomination setting a stage for a possible rematch between her and former President Trump for the 2024 elections.
President Trump was arrogant, but his heart was in the right place and he would fight when he was attacked, unlike the GOPers before that would act all nice and stuff, he would counterattack and this was part of the reason for his popularity with the middle class, they saw that he would actually fight rather than roll over and take it. And this is turning into the biggest "I Told You So" in recent History to a lot of people who had bought into the propaganda by the legacy media and believed the crap spewed by them about President Trump and now they realized that they have been lied to and now they are angry and that is partially why Xidens poll numbers are in the cellar and the media trying to prop him up is failing massively because the lies that they are pushing don't jibe with the reality that people are experiencing.
Apparently there is a lot of data about the Covid that the CDC, you know that government agency that worked hand in hand with the Donks to cripple the economy and gave the selfsame democrats an opportunity to get their inner
STASI on and they used it to punish their neighbors and people that they didn't agree with politically, they used the edicts from the CDC to get people fired from their jobs, and harassed on social media and kids mentally abused and turned into mental shut ins, yeah...that CDC. Well there is data out there that the CDC refuses to release because it "Goes against da Narrative" but the wheels are coming off that wagon..
The CDC is now recommending that 3/4 of the Americans indoor can now go without the mask...especially that the new polling data shows that the mandates are being blamed in the democratic party by 62% of the American public, and to get that high of a percentage, the donks know that the percentage is higher than that because any sampling of the population always over samples democrats so it is higher than that and it looks bad for the midterms.
And surprisingly the new mandates have come out saying "Relax them".
I wonder why.......
and finally
If I was Taiwan, i would be highly concerned, The Ukraine is being invaded and China has been building their military up for the past 20 years, and their best ally is being led by a senile doddering old fool that is basically a meat puppet for his handlers and I would be concerned partly because I would have no faith in the United States coming to my aid, especially with severe doubts with the penetration of the top layers of the U.S government by the security apparatus of the CCP and the resulting bribery of the son of the U.S. President, there is great concern that the Americans will even get involved. If I was Taiwan, I would be using a variation of
General Order 227 and adopt a scorched earth policy.
I'd be amazed if the CCP didn't take advantage of the ruckus in Ukraine and the sheer stupidity of the Biden circus to do something ugly. As for the demonrats fearing the midterms....they don't. They have proven that with the insanity of
ReplyDelete"mail in voting" plus the help of Dominion Voting Systems they never need fear the outcome of an election and thus need not worry about polls, numbers or voters opinions.
Agree with Daniel! And yes, all Putin wants is the USSR back and whole again... sigh