I had done a "Post" a few days ago about Russia putting paper on the Airworthiness certifications on the leased Western planes that certain Russian airlines have, well "RedWings have gone to Topalov operations rather than dealing with the Western planes and the certification hassles. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the next few years. Russia had made huge strides in the safety of their airlines and their airplanes and using Western airplanes was a huge part of their safety record, now with some of the airplanes going back to Soviet and Russian metal, will this play havoc with the safety record of the Russian commercial aviation?, Well time will tell.
Red Wings was the last Russian airline to operate a passenger version of the Tu-204.
Russian airline Red Wings plans to expand its fleet with four Soviet-eraTupolev Tu-204/214
narrowbody airliners.
An airline representative confirmed to Aviation Daily that a preliminary agreement with Russia’sUnited
Aircraft Corporation(UAC) will see one Tu-204 and one Tu-214 delivered in 2023.
Two more Tupolev airliners will join the carrier’s fleet a year later.
Red Wings will take the aircraft from its ownerIlyushinFinance,
which in turn isUAC’s leasing subsidiary. The exact airframes to be restored to airworthiness
have not yet been chosen, a Red Wings representative says.
But there is a chance that the Tu-204 may have been previously operated
by Red Wings, which was the last airline to operate a passenger version
of the Tu-204 in Russia. It retired its last five Tu-204s at the end of
2018, replacing the Russian-made aircraft
withAirbus A320narrowbodies. Since Russia’s invasion
of Ukraine in late February, the Western-made aircraft have been grounded.
As a result, Red Wings now has no medium-range narrowbody capacity; it
is operating 17 Russian-made SSJ100 regional jets and threeBoeing
777widebodies. Two more Superjets are expected to
arrive before the end of this year, the airline confirmed to Aviation
Daily. The airline carried 2.99 million passengers in 2021, placing it
10th among Russia’s largest
The Tu-204 was certified in 1994 and is now being operated in Russia
only in freight or government and corporate variants. The type is no
longer in serial production, butUACstill
assembles one or two Tu-214 airframes per year for government customers.
to expand the assembly rate of the Tu-214 up to 10 aircraft annually
from 2025
to satisfy demand from domestic carriers who have no access to
foreign-made aircraft because of the Western sanctions imposed in
response to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. The government expectsUACto
roll out 70 newly assembled Tu-214s through 2030.
The Tu-214 variant was certified in 2000 and is assembled atUAC’s
facility in Kazan.
Two additional fuel tanks differentiate it from the Tu-204 and these
extend its range, enabling it to carry up to 210 passengers for 6,500 km
(3,500 nm).
In Russia the only Tu-214s regularly flying are for government air
wings, in corporate, radio relay and airborne command modifications.
still has three stored Tu-214s in passenger configuration which were
operated by airline Dalavia in the 2000s before its bankruptcy.
The Red Wings official adds that the airline’s strategy also calls for
expanding the fleet with new Russian aircraft types like Superjet NEW
jets and MC-21 narrowbody airliners. But the first commercial operator
of these new types is likely to beAeroflotsubsidiary
Rossiya Airlines.
UACrolled out its MC-21-300 flight prototype with registration number RA-73054 repainted
in Rossiya livery on Nov. 24. This aircraft, equipped withPratt&
WhitneyPW1400Gengines and other Western components,
will stay withUACand be used for training, initially
of Rossiya’s instructor pilots, the Russian manufacturer says. According toUAC, two
more test aircraft are expected to get the Rossiya livery.
Rossiya tells Aviation Daily that details of the crew training program were being discussed withUACnow
and the start date was yet to be decided. Rossiya has 210 aircraft of
the type on order which will be delivered in the new MC-21-310RUS
variant—stripped of all Western-made parts. The first six aircraft are
expected to arrive in 2024.
I am continuing my run of "Vietnam songs" this one was on Billy Joels "Nylon Curtain" album. I heard the song and was quite familiar with it and it was ironic when I went to North Georgia College in 1984-1985(I joined the Army when I ran out of money.) I and 2 other cadets stood up along with the piano guy and sang the background lyrics like in the song because no one else knew the long, which was ironic because NGC was the Military College for Georgia and one of the 4 military colleges for the U.S Military, kinda like Norwich, VMI, the Citadel and of course NGC.
Vietnam was a taboo subject for a while the wounds that the conflict
left on the American Psyche was deep. We had won the battles but lost
the war because we as a nation had lost the will to fight it thanks to
the media and the hippies and the antiwar movement that was funded by
the communist party and liberal donors. it took several years before
Vietnam could be discussed outside of the veterans. My Dad is a Vietnam
Veteran, he did a tour in 1968 and dealt with the tunnels of Cu-Chi
and the Tet Offensive, then he returned in 1972 for a second tour.
For a while especially in the 1970's, the Vietnam vet was portrayed as
crazy or dangerous. The specter of Vietnam dogged every use of the
Military or any support during the 1980's, from Grenada, to Beirut, to
Honduras and Nicaragua. The Ghost of Vietnam were finally laid to rest
during Desert Storm.
There is no sound like a 2 bladed Huey. Ask any G.I from the Vietnam era to the 1980's.
"Goodnight Saigon" is a song written by Billy Joel, originally appearing on his 1982 album The Nylon Curtain, about the Vietnam War. It depicts the situation and attitude of United States Marines beginning with their military training on Parris Island and then into different aspects of Vietnam combat.
The lyrics of "Goodnight Saigon" are about Marines in battle bonding
together, fighting their fears and trying to figure out how to survive. The singer, a United States Marine, sings of "we" rather than "I," emphasizing that the Marines are all in the situation together. In the bridge Joel sings of the darkness and the fear it induced in the Marines . This leads into the refrain, which has multiple voices coming together to sing that the Marines will "all go down together", emphasizing their camaraderie. Images from the war captured in the song include reading Playboy Magazine, seeing Bob Hope, listening to The Doors, smoking from a hash pipe, praying to Jesus, remembering Charlie and John F. Baker and those who died in the fighting. Joel has said that he "wasn't trying to make a comment on the war, but writing about the soldier as a person." According to Rolling Stone Magazine
critic Stephen Holden, "As the song unfolds, Joel's "we" becomes every
American soldier, living and dead, who fought in Southeast Asia."
The song begins with the sound of crickets chirping, providing the feeling of evening coming. This leads into the sound of helicopters, which conjures up images of helicopters fighting in the Vietnam War or picking up wounded Marines. Then Joel plays a figure on the piano before beginning to sing.
The opening is reversed at the end of the song, as the piano figure
returns, followed by the sound of helicopters, and finally the crickets,
before the song comes to an end.
The song shows a great similarity to "Airwaves", a song originally recorded by Thomas Dolby in 1981.
Holden describes the song as possibly "the ultimate pop-music epitaph to the Vietnam War." He also praises the way Joel's voice captures the emotions of a nineteen-year-old soldier. However, fellow Rolling Stone critic Dave Marsh considers it bordering on "obscenity" that the song "refuses to take sides."Allmusic critic Stephen Thomas Erlewine considers it part of a suite on side one of The Nylon Curtain
that represents "layered, successful, mature pop that brings Joel
tantalizingly close to his ultimate goal of sophisticated pop/rock for
mature audiences." Musician Garth Brooks has identified "Goodnight Saigon" as his favorite Billy Joel song.ProducerPhil Ramone has stated that the song's symbolism "resonates with many people—especially musicians
Anybody that has any dealings with commercial aviation or aviation at all know that to replace a part on an airframe requires a "certified" part with an "8130" certificate or equivalent to maintain the Airworthiness of the airframe so the plane would be legal to fly in the airspace of the home country and other countries that have reciprocating agreements. With Russia doing this, it may stretch the legality of the airframe, but when the planes are eventually returned to the lessors, the papertrail will be so murky nobody will want these planes because they will be suspect by everyone else, even a freighter conversion is out of the question because of the sheer amount of parts will be suspect. These planes will be written off, parked in the desert and harvested. And good luck getting the Russians to pay the lessors for the loss,
I got this from a 3rd party in my email from work.
Credit: Russian Look Ltd./Alamy Stock Photo
Russian authorities have again adjusted the domestic continuing airworthiness procedures to help operators cope with sanctions.
The Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) has formally given
approval to aircraft cannibalization, meaning that parts from grounded
airframes can be re-installed on in-service aircraft.
The legislative amendments were approved Dec. 26, 2022, although the
provisions related directly to cannibalization remain classified. Citing
sources from Russian airlines, Moscow-based newspaper Izvestia reported
that a part taken from a grounded aircraft
should be tested in order to receive airworthiness approval tags, and
then tested again after being installed on a different aircraft.
Rosaviatsia is now allowing the installation of non-original spare parts
on Russian-operated foreign-made commercial aircraft, without seeking
approval from the type-certificate holders.
The new provisions mark another step in the reorganization of the
country’s continued airworthiness standards, moving it further away from
Western norms.
For decades, Western-made commercial aircraft operated in Russia have
been registered in foreign jurisdictions, mostly Bermuda and Ireland.
The airworthiness maintenance of the aircraft was regulated by the
authorities in those countries.
The situation changed in March 2022 when Western countries banned
aircraft deliveries and services to Russia after its invasion of
Ukraine, which began Feb. 24. In response, the Kremlin transferred about
600 Western-made aircraft to the local registry, entrusting
Rosaviatsia to take care of their continued airworthiness.
The agency automatically extended the airworthiness certificates of
these aircraft until the end of 2022. It also expanded the list of
Russian MRO providers which could maintain and repair Western-made jets
to replace suspendedEASAand
Bermuda Part 145 certificates.
Russian carriers appear to have found alternative ways to obtain
aircraft spare parts, while Rosaviatsia allowed the installation of
parts approved by two dozen foreign authorities, includingFAAandEASA,
as well as Aruba, Brazil, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, India, Iran,
Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the
UAE, the UK and Uzbekistan.
From September to December 2022, Rosaviatsia inspected 90% of the
Russian-operated aircraft that were previously registered abroad to
prolong their airworthiness certificates for another term.
I have experiences with "Unions" especially as a "Union Rep" and it was a common union tactic to pick one company, get a contract or strike to get a more favorable labor agreement, then use the template to settle with the others. This normally worked with the big 3 automotive companies, but the airlines are a bit different, their debt to income is a lot different so the boilerplate contract that they get with one may not work with another so there is a possibility of labor unrest with a major carrier this spring or summer, something to think about in your travel plans. Keep in mind that there is a huge demand for pilots, with a lot of the older ones that took "packages" during covid and the training standards are very strict for a Western based pilot, the FAA really oversees that pretty good and the companies don't want the FAA all in their business for hiring an incompetent pilot. I don't mention who my employer is for obvious reasons, I do like my job and I don't want to get fired because someone gets offended by something I said when I do a rant and tries to get me cancelled....Yes, some of my former Ford Peeps had TDS(Trump Derangement Syndrome) and tried to get me canned from my present employer. plus I have heard in news reports of other people losing their jobs because some mob in social media gets spooled up and the modern left believe in punishing unbelievers, especially people like me that they believe left the democratic plantation especially with my union background.
I pulled this off a 3rd party source off my work email.
Credit: American Airlines
Voting campaigns for new pilot collective bargaining agreements (CBA) are beginning to gain momentum atDelta
Air LinesandHawaiian Airlines.
On Jan. 18, the Delta Master Executive Council (MEC), represented by the
Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), voted to send a new
tentative agreement (TA)—Contract 2019—to Delta’s 15,000 pilots for
ratification. Fourteen voted in favor and three against.
Balloting for the new pilot working agreement (PWA) to be ratified
opens Jan. 31 and closes March 1. The MEC is conducting a series of road
shows at seven Delta bases beginning Jan. 23 in Salt Lake City.
The contract calls for baseline composite hourly pay increases of 18%
retroactive to Jan. 1, 2023, with built in increases of 5%, 4%, and 5%
on Jan. 1 of 2024, 2025, and 2026, respectively. Under terms of the new
PWA, pilots will receive a one-time payment
based on eligible earnings of 4% in calendar year (CY) CY2020, 4% of
CY2021, and 14% of CY2022.
“I appreciate the magnitude of the decision facing each Delta pilot,”
Delta Master Executive Council Darren Hartmann Chairman said in a letter
to membership.
“While the Contract 2019 TA vote was not unanimous, a majority of the
MEC believe the agreements contain significant value for the Delta
pilots across-the-board. Delta is poised to be an industry-leader this
year and the new PWA, if ratified, will be industry-leading,”
Negotiations for Contract 2019 first commenced prior to the pandemic in
April 2019. The talks eventually wound up in mediation in February 2020
but were put on hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. Talks for the
new CBA resumed in January 2022.
Simultaneously, Delta’s MEC also voted to recommend a separate
standalone clause letter of agreement on international “Global Scope”
clause job protections to be put up for ratification. This covers Delta
pilot flying “relating to profit/loss sharing agreements,
equity investments, codeshare partners, interline agreement
subsidiaries, fee-for-departure regional carriers, and affiliated
operators.” With Delta’s ambitious joint ventures, alliances, and equity
investments in foreign-domiciled carriers, this issue has
gained even more traction for the attention of the union and its
Hawaiian Airlinespilots
are also considering a new four-year TA for its 1,000 pilots,
with two weeks of voting set to begin Jan. 27. If ratified, what its
MEC calls “an industry standard agreement” would take effect March 2.
The agreement stipulates an average 32.9% pay increase plus a signing
bonus, increased company retirement contributions,
and quality of life enhancements. The union secured rates for
Hawaiian’s future fleet ofAirbus
A330freighters operating under the Amazon contract,
that it termed “the highest in the industry, surpassing existing rates
at cargo giantsUPSand
FedEx Express.”
“Hard-fought negotiations between the Negotiating Committee and the
company have now yielded what the MEC believes to be an agreement that
accomplishes the goals our pilots set for us when we opened talks two
years ago,” Hawaiian ALPA Master Executive Council
(MEC) Chair Larry Payne said.
Contract Envy
The Delta agreement and strong earnings reports have added fuel to the
fiery negotiations at Delta and Hawaiian’s two other U.S. legacy carrier
peers. Hundreds ofUnited
Airlinespilots picketed atSan Francisco International
Airport(SFO) on Jan. 18 displaying their frustration with negotiations as United
announced $843 million in fourth quarter net income.
Following United’s strong earnings results, acting United MEC chairman
Capt. Mike Harrison said, “We are aware of management’s public comments
about the impact of the Delta AIP, now a Tentative Agreement, and that
they roughly know what a deal will look like.
The company has said that there is no reason this new contract cannot
be finished in a couple of weeks. The United MEC will send an
industry-leading proposal that includes the concerns of our members and
reflects the contract hard-working pilots ofUnited
American Airlines’ 15,000Allied
Pilots Association(APA)-represented pilots are in
their fourth year of contract negotiations. Following better than
expected earnings, American’s pilots leverage is only expected to
increase. On Dec. 8, 2022, American’s
APA board said, “American Airlinesmanagement has consistently shown an unwillingness
to lead the industry, and ultimately an unwillingness to invest in one of their most important assets—our pilot group ...Delta
Air Linesmanagement has demonstrated a visionary
understanding of the current state of the marketplace for professional
pilots. Working with the Delta ALPA MEC, they have ushered in a new
standard for pay, benefits,
and work rules befitting of the pilots of the world’s safest and
largest airlines.”
In an emailed statement on Jan. 20, American’s APA board said, “our
Board of Directors and Negotiating Committee will meet next week to
review the details of the tentative agreement approved by the Delta ALPA
Master Executive Council.”
APA is also alleging American is now four weeks late in paying holiday
premium pay over Thanksgiving. “It also appears they haven’t gotten
their act together in time to properly account for Christmas and New
Year’s,” said the APA’s Jan. 13th News Digest.
Spirit Airlines’
ALPA pilots voted Jan. 10 to ratify a new two-year TA representing an
average 27% increase over the next
two years, with zero concessions. Alaska’ Airlines’ ALPA-represented
pilots secured a new three-year contract back in October 2022.
On Jan. 18,Southwest Airlines’
pilot union SWAPA issued a call for a Strike Authorization
Vote from the membership. “This historic action on the part of the
pilot union comes in the wake of Southwest’s largest meltdown and the
utter lack of meaningful progress on a contract negotiation,” said SWAPA
chairman Captain Casey Murray in a statement.
“It was the lack of discussion or commitment by our leadership team to
rectify these issues for our passengers and our pilots that drove us to
make the decision to carry forward on this path,” Murray added.
The vote will take place beginning on May 1 and will ultimately give the
pilots the ability to strike once released under the Railway Labor Act.
In an effort to appease its pilots, the hobbled carrier on Jan. 20
announced it is giving what it is calling “gratitude pay”—bonuses to
several workgroups affected by the meltdown, including the 10,000 strong
pilot group. They will receive approximately $45
million in additional compensation equaling nearly $4,500 per pilot, on
top of extra pay that was already awarded over the holidays. SWAPA
voted to accept the pay bonus on Jan. 19. The bonuses should appear in
Southwest employees’ paychecks starting in late
“We implemented gratitude pay for several workgroups during the
operational disruptions in December and that ran through early January
as SWAPA noted,” Southwest said in comments provided to Aviation Daily.
“Salaries, wages and benefits expenses are recognized
in the period incurred; therefore, we would have included our estimate
for all gratitude pay through Dec. 31 in our financial impact estimate
provided in our 8-K filing on Jan. 6. We will cover this in more detail
as part of our upcoming financial results
release and call on Jan. 26.”
I read about this and it caught me eye and I recall this hitting the news back in 1978 and it was a big deal because of the amount of money that was snagged.
On December 11, 1978, six masked, armed men burst into the Lufthansa
Airlines cargo terminal at New York’s John F. Kennedy International
Airport during a graveyard shift and robbed $5.8 million in cash and
jewels, the largest heist in U.S. history at the time.
shots were fired. No one was seriously hurt or killed. It took just 64
minutes for a crew of low-level crooks linked to the Lucchese crime
family to steal $5 million in untraceable bills (worth $22.4 million in
2022) and $800,000 in jewels (worth 3.6 million in 2022).
seemed like the perfect crime—until it wasn’t. Authorities never
recovered the cash or the jewels, but a trail of at least a dozen bodies
and disappearances of people tied to the heist kept them busy. Some
were shot in the head, execution style. Another’s hogtied frozen body
was found in a meat refrigeration truck. A woman’s headless torso washed
ashore in New Jersey.
After a decades-long investigation, only
one person was ever convicted in the heist. The story of the crew that
pulled it off inspired Martin Scorsese’s 1990 film Goodfellas.
Two mob figures who led the caper—and the subsequent killing spree aimed
at muzzling those involved—ended up in prison for other crimes and died
behind bars.
The idea for the huge heist came from a pudgy Lufthansa cargo
supervisor named Louis Werner, who ultimately served as the inside man
on the job. Sweating a $20,000 gambling debt, Werner approached
bookmaker and wig shop owner Martin Krugman about the huge stacks of
untraceable bills frequently flown in from Germany and temporarily
stored at the airline’s JFK vault. Werner asked Krugman to shop around
for men who could pull off the heist.
Krugman passed the tip to
mid-level drug-dealing gangster Henry Hill, who pulled in his mentor
Jimmy “the Gent” Burke, whose crew was known for hijacking and robbing
cargo trucks coming from the airport. Burke answered to Paul Vario, a
fearsome capo of the Lucchese crime family. Vario, who needed cash quick
after losing a cocaine shipment to authorities, greenlit the Lufthansa
According to Wiseguy, Nicholas Pileggi’s book
about Hill that inspired Scorsese’s movie, Hill said he helped Burke
plan the heist in Robert’s Lounge, Burke’s gambling and criminal hangout
in the Ozone park section of Queens. As they pored over cargo warehouse
floor plans and sized up inside information, Burke assembled the crew
of hijackers, killers, loan sharks and thieves who would pull off the
Brink's truck seen parked outside the Lufthansa cargo terminal at JFK
Airport the day after the heist. On the Friday before the crime, a
Brink's truck was to have picked up a large sum of cash at the building,
but the driver left the money behind when he was informed that a
Lufthansa foreman he was supposed to meet was busy, police said. On
12/11, a band of masked raiders stormed into the cargo terminal and
bagged a reported $5 million. The U.S. currency, all used bills for
which authorities have no serial numbers, was being shipped to the Chase
Manhattan Bank in New York from Commerz Bank in Frankfurt, West
Bettmann / Contributor via Getty Images
to court documents, Werner alerted the crew that a large shipment of
cash had arrived on Friday, December 9 and would be in cargo storage all
weekend because he kept the cash from being transferred to the bank
right away via the Brinks armored trucks. At 3 a.m. on Monday the 11th,
six men in ski masks pulled up to the Lufthansa cargo warehouse in a
black Ford Econoline 150 van. The crew sliced the gate padlock with bolt
cutters, and some of the six went in.
After herding employees to
the break room at gunpoint, the thieves forced the night shift manager
to disable the alarm and open the double-door storage vault, which their
inside contact had told them how to operate. They hauled forty 15-pound
cartons of cash and jewels into the van, and two of the thieves got in.
The others got into a waiting Buick, and they all zoomed away at 4:21
a.m. Employees were told not to call for help until 4:30 a.m., when
police got the first call. The whole caper took just 64 minutes.
thieves met Burke and transferred the loot to the trunks of two other
cars at a warehouse owned by John Gotti, a captain of the Gambino crime
family that shared the airport turf with the Lucchese family. In Wiseguy, Hill said Gotti also offered to have the black getaway van crushed at an auto salvage yard he controlled in Brooklyn.
But that didn’t happen, giving authorities their first break in the
case. Two days after the heist, police found the black van parked at a
fire hydrant in Brooklyn’s Canarsie neighborhood. Parnell “Stacks”
Edwards, a longtime gofer for Burke’s crew, failed to take the van to
the Gotti-controlled junkyard.
Afraid the van could lead police
to Edwards and then to him, Burke, with Vario’s blessing, decided
Edwards had to go. On his orders, two experienced killers in the heist
crew, Tommy “Two Guns” DeSimone and Angelo Sepe, shot Edwards in the
head in the middle of dinner with a piece of chicken still in his mouth.
Edwards was the first victim in Burke’s violent push for
silence. By the summer of 1979, seven months after the robbery, Burke
had carried out or ordered the execution of nine people, all of whom
were either at the heist, laundered heist money or were at the wrong
place at the wrong time.
“Rather than give everyone $400,000 or
$500,000 apiece, it was easier to put a quarter bullet in their head,”
Hill said in a History Channel documentary. “So, he started eliminating
everyone at that point.”
Krugman, the bookie who first approached Hill with the heist idea,
complained too loudly and too often that he needed a large cut of the
stolen cash. Hill said Burke and Sepe killed and dismembered Krugman a
month after the robbery, fearing he would squeal. His body was never
James (Jimmy the Gent) Burke, arrested and taken to Federal Court—but not for the Lufthansa crime.
Thomas Monaster/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images
the end of February, Werner, the inside man, was the only person
convicted in the Lufthansa affair and was sentenced to 15 years in
prison. That spiked Burke’s paranoia.
Weeks later, Burke targeted
his former cellmate, 300-pound Louis "Roast Beef" Cafora, who was
laundering heist money through his Brooklyn parking lot business. Told
to lay low, Cafora instead bought his wife Joanna a custom pink
Cadillac, drove it near the JFK cargo area where the FBI was
investigating, and told her about the heist and other mob business. They
disappeared, and their bodies were never found.
Robert McMahon
and Joe “Buddha” Manri, both cargo thieves who worked for Air France at
JFK, refused to cooperate with the FBI in exchange for witness
protection. In May, both were found shot in the back of the head,
execution style, sitting together in a parked car.
A month later,
the burned, naked and bullet-riddled corpse of Sicilian drug trafficker
Paolo LiCastri was found on a burning trash heap in Brooklyn. LiCastri
oversaw the caper for the Gambino crime family and was tasked with
ensuring they got a $200,000 cut.
Also murdered: Florida
restaurant and club owners Richard Eaton and Tom Monteleone, accused of
skimming from the heist cash laundered through their businesses.
Children discovered Eaton’s hogtied, frozen body in a refrigerated meat
truck. The headless torso of Theresa Ferrara, the occasional mistress of
some in Burke’s crew who was accused of being in on the skimming
scheme, washed ashore in New Jersey.
Two others in the heist died
for breaking crime family code. The hothead DeSimone, nicknamed “Tommy
Two Guns” for his matching pearl-handled pistols, was shot in the head
by Gotti in retaliation for murdering two Gambino crime family members
without permission. In July 1984, more than five years after the
robbery, Sepe’s own Lucchese crime family killed him for stealing
thousands of dollars in cash and cocaine from a Lucchese-affiliated drug
Convinced by Burke’s wiretapped conversation that he was
“going to get whacked,” Hill entered witness protection with his
family. In exchange, he ratted on dozens of crimes by mob associates,
including his gangster mentors Burke and Vario.
Burke was convicted for Eaton’s murder and a scandalous Boston
College point-shaving scheme. Vario was jailed for extortion of freight
companies. Both died of lung cancer while in jail.
“Little by
little, the more people got killed,” said Hill in the documentary, “the
more I started to realize that I just might be one of them eventually.”
Back in June I did a "Post" about the Liberty Lifter, well more information came out about it from DARPA,
I snagged this from my 3rd party email again.
Concept art of DARPA’s future Liberty Lifter vehicle. (Image provided by DARPA.)
Updated12/1/2022 at 1:27 pm ET with comment from
WASHINGTON — One of the Pentagon’s key research and development agencies has tapped General Atomics ASI to work on its “Liberty
Lifter” program, a relatively new initiative aimed at transforming the military’sairlift
and sealiftcapabilities.
The contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is worth $8 million, according to the Pentagon’s daily contractannouncementfor
Nov. 25. The Pentagon statement did not elaborate on the type of work
included in the contract, but said $6.2 million of the award would come
from “fiscal 2022 research and development funds.”
On Thursday, a DARPA
spokesman confirmed the contract is for conceptual design work related
to the program. A General Atomics ASI spokesman declined to comment.
The Liberty Lifter
program, announced earlier this year, aims to design a “long-range,
low-cost X-plane capable of seaborne strategic and tactical lift,” DARPA
said at the time. It’s envisioned to be similar
in size to a C-17 Globemaster, weighing between 500,000 and 600,000
pounds, and cost roughly $340 million per plane.
Alexander Walan, a DARPA official overseeing the program, told Breaking Defense inan
interview in Maythat a concept known as the “wing-in-ground” effect is critical to its design.
“If you’ve ever been on
an airliner or watched a 737 land, sometimes they come in close, and
then they almost kind of like go to a hover,” he said. During those
moments of low altitude updraft, the aircraft
experiences less drag and can more easily maintain its remaining
altitude — a phenomenon DARPA hopes to stretch for long distances. “For
very long-range operations, a few percentage points [of increased lift
and reduced drag] actually start really adding up”
in terms of fuel efficiency.
For the Pentagon’s
purposes, DARPA thinks this physics trick could result in an aircraft
capable of operating more efficiently than traditional cargo planes
while traveling overseas as well as being able to
land in large bodies of water rather than established runways.
are a variety of challenges in pulling off the Liberty Lifter concept,
however. For example, rough waves could result in turbulence on the
plane, which would eat into any fuel efficiencies
being gained through the “wing-in-ground” effect.
the WIG concept has been known for some time, it has proven difficult
to master. The Soviet Union made multiple attempts at such a craft, but
largely came up short of designing
a vehicle ready for mass production.
“The Soviets really showed how not to do this, like a lot of things, right?” Walan told Breaking Defense.
of those mistakes was the fact the Soviets designed a plane only capable
of flying using the “wing-in-ground” effect. Walan said DARPA would not
make the same mistake and envisions
Liberty Lifter as capable of flying at traditional altitudes when
A couple of weeks ago Southwest Airlines (SWA) network crashed, unlike other carriers that use a hub system to feed their network, Southwest is a point to point carrier and and their planes fly back from airport to airport whereas other carriers use a hub system to move passengers from point A to point B. The other carriers even the "ULCC" upgraded their computer system but Southwest didn't do that, their computer system was much older than the other carriers and rather than spend any money to upgrade like the other carriers, they spent the money on other things. Well that failure to upgrade bit them in the posterior...big time. Their network crashed leaving passengers stranded all over the United States and also leaving crews with no schedules and no overnight lodging either. Yep it was bad, any goodwell Southwest had got torched in a spectacular fashion. I work for a competitor, and I felt bad for them, I hated seeing this happen, even to the Media Darlings of the Airline industry. I remember my time at Ford Motor company and the "Firestone Debacle" and that hurt the Ford brand for a generation.
And a "Hold My Beer" moment came from our friends the FAA, you know....the "Friends Against Aviation", their computer network crashed....but it was a bit different for the FAA, what crashed was the "NOTAM" system, it basically tells pilots of any hazards on their routes, well that network crashed...
Well Compared to the Southwest Network, the FAA Network is positively antiquated, it was the same one they were using in the 1990's, I think I heard the
9600 BAUD and ITP Handshake initiate when you tried to access the server. Apparently updating the computers was less of a priority for the FAA than Southwest, but they had other priorities in mind than the computers...they had time to change the name of the NOTAM system from "Notice to Airmen" to "Notice to Air Mission"...Didn't want to Misidentify someone ya know...might "offend" someone you know...Make them cry......or something.
Its nice to see the government have their priorities in order.......
Meanwhile Xiden got busted leaving classified documents in the garage with his corvette when he was a Vice President, The Donks and Media are saying that he could that because he was the VEEP. it was ok ..and they tried to pull a sleight of hand and notify the National Archives instead of the FBI. Funny somehow this was different than President Trump and Mar-e-Lago. I recall from my time in the Army and dealing with classified documents is that the President has ultimate declassification authority, not the VEEP, but to the Donks and the Media and to the weaponized DOJ, it is "OK". And funny that Xiden's handlers tried to notify the National Archives instead of the FBI or the DOJ, ...
you mean the same DOJ and FBI that seems to have 2 different standards...They seem to be half assed on 'Antifa'' and "BLM" whom are the foot soldiers of the Modern Left and the Deep State, they share the same ideology and beliefs, the Government hires the same people that tends to support those organizations. I believe that this is a feature, not a bug. Compare this with the zeal in which the DOJ has pursued the January 6th protestors. This shows that there is a 2 stage justice system in this country and if you are related to the deep state or support their goals, they will refuse to prosecute or softsoap it whereas if you are a supporters of the traditional forms of American Government, the American justice system will be more vigorous in their treatment of you than if you are a communist. Funny that...The double standard is applied if you and I who had handled classified documents, we would be making gravel for the Colonels driveway at "Leavenworth" but the *PIAP and other denizens of the deep state get a hard pass when they violate security regulations...Just ask Sandy Berger when he tried to swipe documents from the Archives, and they did nothing.
*Pig in a Pantsuit(My Name for Hillary Clinton)
As far as affecting the dottering meat puppet Xiden and his handlers aspiration of a 2024 Presidential run, this remains to be seen if they will provide cover again through the media, Tech and pad the ballot boxes....again....or if they decide they want "Kneepad" Harris to replace him.
All I know that the 2024 election will be very interesting....in a train wreck sort of way.
Meanwhile Xiden finally went to the border to check it out and he went to the part of the border that actually had a wall on it....but the irony was totally missed by the Xiden administration and the swarm of illegals continue to cross the border and New York Mayor Adams after bloviating about" all people Welcome" and mentioning other buzzwords that are used by the modern left because they traffic in "feelinzs"
So when the Texas Governor Abbott calls him on his bluff and starts sending busloads of illegals to New York City and other Liberal enclaves and basically tells them "You like them, you deal with them, Texas is tired of paying for the cost of the failed policies of Xiden and everyone else that love the illegals except in their backyard."
Meanwhile the Congress passed this huge pork laden boondoggle during the lame duck session as a last "Fuck You" to the American Taxpayer, 4600 pages of pork laden crap that they didn't even read, and billions for the Ukraine but no real money for our own border....Funny that. And it basically puts the onus and debt on the new generation and what makes it worse is that..
18 GOP Senators voted with the Donks for that huge debt turd, they are more concerned about playing nice, more concerned about getting some of that deep state pork for themselves and currying favor, with such sellouts as these clowns, it gave the donks political cover that they can and will push off on the GOP on the next election cycle.......Assholes.
Meanwhile with the GOP taking over the house, they are promising a lot of investigations and hearings in the weaponization of the FBI, the clowns in the kangaroo Court of the J6 Hearings and other Donk overreachs including the use of the Tech giants to bury politically sensitive and embarrassing information on the Xiden Crime Syndicate like the laptop and the weapon purchases by Xidens son when he lied on his form 4473 that were "buried" that if we did it, we would have been hauled in front of a judge.
The January 6 hearing despite spending millions of dollars, and releasing President Trumps Tax records, and the SSN of a bunch of GOPers....Haven't accomplished much of anything else...I will adopt a wait and see attitude if the GOP hearings uncover anything...but I ain't gonna hold my breath.
There is a movement in the Xiden Administration to ban your Gas stove...And go Electric. They are citing "Climate Change" as the reason....Same reason they are pushing those insipid electric cars on the American Public. There is more to the story in my opinion..
..If they want to control you, all they have to do is cut the power. Harder to do with Gas. Something to think about......Its all about control, to put us "Kulaks"in our place.
And Finally You have noticed that all these healthy people are keeling over with heart "issues" and the "Experts" are dancing around the 800 pound guerilla in the room and coming up with all these funny reasons why all these people are dying. Pulling all these excuses out of their posteriors, everything from "Climate Change" to "Gas Stoves" to "Excessive Meat Consumption"..and other reasons that happen to fit in the pidgeonholes of stuff that the Modern Left wants banned...Funny that... they refuse to mention that all these healthy people have been VAXXED, Nothing to see here....Move along ...Move along...Trust the Experts....The Same Experts that insisted that "Everyone HAD to get VAXXED or Lose their Jobs"
Remember back in 2021 and 2022,"Get Jabbed or Else" Now they won't discuss the 800 pound Simian in the room, it has been a huuuge money maker for Big Pharma, and a lot of congresscritter have stock in it as does Dr Death(Fauci).
I am giving a break to the "Bugaloo" theme, I am going with the Vietnam War theme for a few weeks. Btw, My apologies for not posting for several days, "RealLife" got away from me. nothing bad, just life in General.
I don't know why, but I just decided to give it a break for a bit, let the burro rest a bit before letting the fat lady ride it again in the grand canyon.
So I decided to go with :Still in Saigon" with Charlie Daniel's Band. It was part of the songs that came out in the 1980's as the Vietnam War was working their way through the psyche of the American Public with how poorly the returning Veterans were treated and it wasn't a protest song, but an "experience " song as it were which was different.
Vietnam was a taboo subject for a while the wounds that the conflict
left on the American Psyche was deep. We had won the battles but lost
the war because we as a nation had lost the will to fight it thanks to
the media and the hippies and the antiwar movement that was funded by
the communist party and liberal donors. it took several years before
Vietnam could be discussed outside of the veterans. My Dad is a Vietnam
Veteran, he did a tour in 1968 and dealt with the tunnels of Cu-Chi
and the Tet Offensive, then he returned in 1972 for a second tour.
For a while especially in the 1970's, the Vietnam vet was portrayed as
crazy or dangerous. The specter of Vietnam dogged every use of the
Military or any support during the 1980's, from Grenada, to Beirut, to
Honduras and Nicaragua. The Ghost of Vietnam were finally laid to rest
during Desert Storm.
"Still in Saigon", is a song written by Dan Daley and performed by the Charlie Daniels Band and released on their 1982 album Windows. It was written by Daley in May 1981.
The story is told ten years after Daniels, as the protagonist, faced being drafted into the Vietnam War. Though he could have avoided being sent (either by escaping to Canada
as a war protester, or choosing to stay in school under a student
deferment), believing he was "brought up differently/I couldn't break
the rules" elected to go ahead and serve.
He remained in the military for "thirteen months and fifteen
days", with the latter portion ("the last ones were the worst") taking
an emotional toll on Daniels ("one minute I'd kneel down and pray/The
next I'd stand and curse"). The emotional problems only worsened upon
his return, as he came home to a bitterly divided family – his
war-protesting younger brother labels him a "killer" while his father
calls him a "vet". Moreover, he began to exhibit signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulting from his service (constantly looking behind doors for the enemy, and exhibiting flashbacks during the rainy summer season); symptoms which ten years later continue to plague him.