
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Fvcking Vultures....

Sorry for not posting sooner, had a lot of work drama last week, and that derailed me.

I got a text right before I went to bed last night, not even 12 hours after the tragedy in my home state, and I got a text from some democratic hack schilling for money hoping to ride on the emotions from the recent shooting to get money to defeat my local congresscritter in November.  What douchebags!

Republican Mike Collins has blood on his hands. The deaths in Barrow County are a direct result of his support for weapons of war. He's hiding behind the 2nd Amendment. 

He must be defeated. He is our number one target in Georgia. Help send a message NOW.

Donate to defeat him.

Donate to restrict weapon sales.

Donate for common sense gun reform. 

Donate to remove guns from the hands of violent, white, male killers. We need Red Flag Laws in Georgia, and Mike Collins stands in the way!

     Several quick observations....the jerkoff kid was 14 years old, too young to legally own the weapon he used, and from the picture I saw it was a shotgun, not an AR pattern rifle. but I digress, also red flag laws wouldn't worked in this case anyway, again, the kid legally wouldn't own the weapon he used so red flag laws wouldn't have worked. and I don't like "Red Flag Laws" because it strips due process away and there is no penalties for filing a false report.  Also a final point, you notice the "Violent White male criminals"   ok so I suppose the "violent Black male criminals" in deep blue cities get a pass I suppose....

    Got another one again tonight...and I responded to this one also, and I blocked both numbers...tools.

     The cartoon that is in the post is the one I used in both responses to both texts and a rebuttal. If history is any indication,  I'll get another tonight and I'll respond the same way. 


  1. If teachers were armed, it would have been stopped sooner.
    The FBI had him On Their Radar.
    The school was warned of a shooting and did nothing.

  2. The shooter didn't fall into any of the exceptions for having a gun on school grounds either. It's like criminals don't obey laws or something!


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.