Sorry for not posting yesterday, I have been very busy at work.
I went to Wal-mart and noticed a few things.....or not a few things.....
My wife wanted some "Baby Grande" biscuits.....well none to be had....Although they did have a few cans of Old NFO's favorite "Whompcan" Cornbread.
This was all the "Dr Pepper" period in the store. And this was normal, I have noticed that the Walmart employees are getting creative in trying to make the shelves look more "Stuffed" than they actually are.
But Hey "Lets Go Brandon".
Apparently Hillary being her corrupt self, had a bunch of tech companies spy on the Trump building and plant evidence implicating Candidate Trump and eventually President Trump in the long running "Russia,Russia,Russia" scam that Mueller and the Democrats tried for 3 years to pin on President Trump. Well Special Council Durham has released a report that isn't covered by the Legacy Media(Insert my shocked face), because They are all in the Tank for Hillary and the democrats and
there is a rumor that Felonia Von Pantsuit will throw her corruption tainted taira into the ring in 2024 and challenge the incumbent President Xiden for the Democratic nomination and there is also a rumor that a lot of democrats will go with it because Hillary is corrupt and Venal and a total bitch, but she is at least coherent unlike the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania ave.
She and the Hardcore democrats know that the mainstream media are very friendly to Hillary and will let her slide on a myriad of things that would have gotten a Republican and especially Former President Trump hounded wherever he went. It will be interesting to see how this played out with the 2022 elections coming up this year, and the donks are expecting a bloodbath.
Speaking of the 2022 elections, the new polls are coming out and the expected bloodbath is having the Donks stepping back from the enforced restrictions, mask mandates, and VAXX mandates, apparently the new polls are out and most of America are blaming the Democrats for the problems despite the friendly lapdog media running interference for them. This has the DNC scared to death, all of a sudden the CDC has decided to "Change the Science" since their benefactor is going to catch a lot of blowback by this and now things have all of a sudden changed....
The CDC has taken a huge hit to their credibility running political cover for the democrats and their attempts to seize power all in the name of "Fighting the Virus" and nobody trust what they say anymore...except the hardcore donk supporters, everyone else doesn't.
And there is one person that still hopes the virus stays malignant because it is the key to his power
. And yes only the hardcore donk supporters believe anything out of that charlatan's mouth....everyone else wishes he would go away.
And the worse thing about the past 2 years of Covididioticy is what it has done to the kids, you have kids that are behind the curve ball in language skills and comprehension due to the mask, and because of the lockdowns, the suicide rate have been in an all time high, all to keep in power the teachers unions and give the democrats a chance to get their inner dictator on. I wish helicopters or woodchippers were in vogue right now....
And speaking of getting their inner Dictator on is the Premier of Canada, Ol Castro's kid Justin Trudeau whom after fleeing Ottowa because of the trucker protest on the VAXX mandates, and and now there are trucks blocking the bridge between Canada and Michigan and of course the Leftist are all a flutter

*Wow*, the total distain our "Elitist Betters" have for people that they view "From the lesser social strata", than themselves. "Just get a Soldier", like we are replaceable, interchangeable, malleable pieces to move about as they sit on their cloud and look down upon those in flyover country and believe in their innate superiority because of their family or their education in that ivy league school. These clowns believe that they are our new feudal lords and are pissed off that the "Hoi Pelloi" are getting "Uppity" and are forgetting their place in the great scheme of things. Remember we are here just to exist to support them in their lifestyle, our dreams, hopes and aspirations don't figure into the equations because we are lesser beings and of we were actual people like they are, we would have gone to the right schools and have the same belief systems like they did.

What people are pissed off is the forced VAXX mandates, the same people that were screaming "My Body My choice" now have gone full Gestapo and have tried to force the issue and get people fired from their jobs, keep them restricted to their homes and shunned from society because they for various reasons didn't want "The Jab".

Now my attitude is, if you want it, fine get it, if you don't ,fine then don't, it is a personal choice. The problem is that a lot of lefties went full NAZI and tried to get and in some cases got people fired from their jobs for not getting "The Jab", it was like a religion or a rite of passage for them...I saw all the virtue signalling on farcebook from them "I Got the Jab, Look at me how Virtuous I am", The same people shrieking "Stay Home" are the same people that have safe government jobs like School Teachers or work for .gov in some other capacity and they CAN work from home and they stay home and act all virtuous and the rest of us have to out there and produce something for a living or we don't eat and pay the bills, you know....the "essential Employees". I saw a lot of that, a lot of sociatial pressure to get it, and if you didn't you were everything from subhuman trash to wanting to kill your fellow human beings for refusing to "Jab up", and this caused a lot of resentment because it showed a 2 tiered society and now they are talking about a 2 or a 3rd booster....Say whut? My employer has backed off the Mandates......for now, so my job is secure......for now.

Stacy Abrams, the 2018 Democratic for Governor and who was responsible for having the 2021 ALL-STAR
GAME pulled out of Atlanta because of the Georgia Voting Law changes, well anyway she had a picture of herself in a classroom full of kids, she wasn't masked, but all the kids were.
Here is the Actual Pic is question...
What is it with our "Betters", the rules they foist upon us don't apply to them, you notice all the events, the stars and politicians are unmasked, but all the staffs and help are masked, so they are not noticed,their faces and their individuality removed so they are the nameless, faceless underclass. Then you wonder why the Trucker revolt is picking up steam in many countries and the protest is spreading, the people are tired of the bullshit and are starting to pushback.

This is how the average liberal is, unhappy, to them everything is misery and they have to try to change it because everything in the United States is "Evil". I think that they have no spiritually inside so they adapt the tenats of liberalism and the goalpost change all the time and that makes a person miserable because of all the incertainty, How can you be a believer when the rules change on you all the time, hell you would be miserable if the the teaching that you grew up as a kid changed as you got older and the foundation you thought you had turned out to be of sand and it shifted due to political winds and expediency.

With all that shifting around, I would be miserable too, and I would be soo miserable, I would make my fellow man miserable, because if I was miserable and he was happy..."By Gaia, that isn't right, he has to be just as miserable and nasty and ugly as I am, remember fairness and equality is part of the tenets of liberalism, and I have to spread the blessings of liberalism to my fellow man".....See what I mean?

Well Xidens ATF sent out a post on Valentines day, nothing says love like having an ex-spouse or partner gaslight you to the most rogue of the federal agencies on the planet....Remember to the ATF, due process is a suggestion and rights is just seeing which dog get shot when they drop in for a midnight "Visit" and if you just don't happen to get shot, count your blessings, because Rover sure ain't gonna worry about it, you can go to the pound and get another dog after it is "Just a silly mistake" after they leave when your house is trashed and you have to bury your dog and the warrant they got from a friendly ATF judge was full of bullshit from an "anonymous source". Then you have to go to court to try to clear your name all because your EX wanted to score some kind of payback. ATF Keeping it classy since WACO.

And speaking of Government, it seems like we are in an abusive relationship with them, the rules keep changing, we have all these unusual diktats coming down from D.C on the Potomac, and the size of the IRS is doubling to "Catch Tax Cheats"......Riiight....the one agency that have a different court system and a different legal system than all the rest of the .GOV and you wonder why this goves people the chills, the one agency (Well the ATF will just show up, shoot your dog and maybe you,) but the IRS will flat our take everything you have and leave you destitute and you have to go to their court to prove that it "Was a mistake" with their judge to get your stuff back, and people wonder why this gives them the chills.

have rumblings of Putin invading the Ukraine and adding "The
Breadbasket" to Mother Russia, and our "Betters" are pushing sanctions
and other things and beating the drums of war, talking about committing
troops and I am horrified, I am an Army Cold War Veteran, I was part of
VII Corp in Southern Germany and I also went to the Persian Gulf as part
of Desert Storm, so as they say "I smelled the smoke and saw the
elephant" That isn't what concern me, I was part of a highly trained
green machine that had all the branches of the services that were well
equipped and highly trained in warfighting, now the Army and the
Military in General has newer equipment and in a lot of cases, better
equipment, but the leadership flatout sucks, they are more concerned
about "Diversity and Inclusion" then warfighting skills, whereas our
near peer enemies don't have that problem and we will get our asses
handed to us. Our troops are fragmented, the ones that believe in this
country are forced to either get vaxxed or get out, and the ones that
stay in are the ones that will be ideologically pure to the left in this
country, but they can't fight worth a crap, but by God they check off
all the boxes. And our "Betters" that are pushing for a confrontation,
it won't be their kids fighting and dying, it will be "Flyover
Countries" kids fighting and dying. Our"betters" have no skin in the
game unless the payouts they have in any Ukraine companies *Cough*Hack*
Hunter Biden's Gas Company sponsorship*Cough*Cough*. If there is a
fight, we will have China watching and

getting ready to carve up Taiwan or they will while we are embroiled in
the Ukraine dealing with Russia. They will be studying how we fight
and figuring out countermeasures and right now I don't have faith in
the leadership military, Civilian, and political to do whats is in the
best interest of our country,
And Finally
Inflation is at a 40 year high and the legacy media is giving ol Gropy Joe political cover. They are saying the official inflation rate is 9.7%. I think it is higher than that
This was in December, now it is February.....And I think it will get higher and our Betters in D.C ain't gonna care because their fiscal policies don't affect them, they live in this bubble but it affect everyone else and I think they will use the money policies to crush dissent and force compliance to their diktats. Nothing brings out their inner STASI like democrats.