
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Response to the Liberal College Student about the War in Gaza


My apologies for not posting sooner, I have been very busy at work, Overtime is wide open at my employer, the B737 plug debacle doesn't affect us, our 737-900's are a bit older than the FAA mandates so they are way outside the range of possibles.

     I was taking a microbreak and saw this response on Quora on the Can, and it was a good response, so I shamelessly nicked it. if someone out there in internet land decides to use it against a blue hair liberal, have at it, entertain yourself, LOL. 

   A dude from Seattle (Yeah I'm shocked) wrote the response. Theo Edmonds.

I think you are very confused.

Let me guess: you go to an elite college, have green and purple hair, tats and piercings, change your pronoun daily, bought a “Palestinian” flag on Amazon while sipping your Frappuccino at Starbucks and thought Israel was spelled “Isreal” just 6 weeks ago.

You live in a cocoon and your parents would be ashamed of you.

Do you know not 10,000 but 100,000 civilians were killed or permanently displaced in Azerbaijan just four days before the October 7 attack on Israel? A group of Armenians who had lived there peacefully for decades wanted to secede. The Azerbaijanis weren’t going to give up land and swore to their genocide. The last 100,000 abandoned their homes and left (I repeat) four days before the October 7 attack. You didn’t give a shit.

In June 2022 the UN finally tallied the number of deaths in Yemen by Saudis in defense against Iran-controlled Houthi terrorists: 150,000 killed and another 227,000 dead due to cutting off all food and healthcare services for years. The Saudis don’t fuck around - if they get attacked, all hell breaks loose. Again, just 16 months ago. You didn’t give a shit.

You probably don’t know this but right next door to Israel, in Syria, their leader, Bashir Al-Assad had his own civilians killed. Many with chemical weapons. As of March this year, the UN counted 613,000 killed, 15.3 million displaced. Again, right next door to Israel. And again, you didn’t give a shit.

I could go on and on.

But you didn’t care. You don’t care.

All you care about is feeling good about yourself - virtue signaling - and protesting night after night - from the river to the sea, globalize the intifada - without an inkling of why and what it means. You and your racist professors at your liberal arts school, drawing T-charts and labeling Jews as “oppressors”. Believe me, your professor who taught you that knew exactly what they were doing. The Arab students who got you involved knew exactly what they were doing. You were the one who had no clue.

Next time you attend a protest, look around. You’ll see an unnatural number of “brown-skinned” people. Much higher that the typical population. Most you will not know. The ones you do probably aren’t in any of your classes. Know why? They were planted there. They aren’t students. They are funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia to stir up easily swayed liberals like yourself. The same groups funded your professors and paid for middle eastern studies departments which didn’t exist just a few years ago. Aren’t those the professors who discussed T-charts and listed for you the oppressed (the 2.1 BILLION MUSLIMS who span 15,000 miles from Marrakesh to Jakarta) and the oppressors (the 15 million Jews, most in tiny Israel)? Sound familiar?

I’m not over exaggerating when I say this is chaos vs civilization. This is a group of internationally recognized terrorists, attached to the same group who attacked the US on 9–11 (look it up), France, the UK, Belgium, Netherlands and almost every other western country. This time they’re targeting a tiny global minority of 15 million people who share an outsized amount of goodwill to humankind around the world, who have been oppressed, attacked, exiled for thousands of years. Half of them were killed just 80 years ago in an event called the Holocaust (look that up as well).

And you have been brainwashed to think this tiny oppressed minority, who just kept trying to survive, is the oppressor? This tiny group who removed all their citizens from Gaza 18 years ago and left it for the Gazans, including an industry and economy and a gorgeous coastline to turn it into the Dubai of the Mediterranean. And instead used it as a terrorist staging areas for an estimated 50,000 rockets aimed at civilians. And the scariest thing is if you went to visit them, with your green and purple hair and tattoos and piercings, they’d take you to the nearest rooftop and push you off (look it up).

No, that narrative that Israel stole their land isn’t true either. Israel was given the land by the UN just like Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. Before they were countries they were controlled by the foreign Turkish - you know, from Turkey - for 500 years called the Ottoman Empire (look it up). The land wasn’t anyone’s until after World War I (look it up) and given to them the Arab groups freely. Except Israel, where a day after the UN gave the land to them, all those Arab countries attacked this nascent country with the intent to genocide - sorry, “unalive” - them all and take their land and divide it up between themselves. Yes, you got it - there was never going to be a Palestinian land even then when their own Arab sister and brothers were trying to seize control. I could go on and on about how a million Jews were displaced from across the 7000 mile Arab world in retaliation for the Arabs losing that genocidal war they started, and Israel took those million refugees in, yet the Palestinians still fester.

These people are not your friends. They do not want to defund the police. These “brown skinned people” outnumber the Israelis 140:1 (who more than half of Israelis are from the Middle East - see ‘refugees’, above). Let me repeat that number: 140:1. And here’s another: Muslim countries to Jewish countries: 50:1. And weirdly, over 20% of the Israeli population is Arab with full rights and benefits, so the claim of apartheid is a lie as well.

Shame on you and your friends who are promoting rape, kidnapping, torture and murder. Shame on you for promoting anti-LGBTQ and intolerance. And shame on you for being so easily brainwashed. Never have there been such racist attacks and protests against such a tiny minority in the US since black slavery.

And the next attack won’t be Tel Aviv. Globalize the intifada means these people want to expand extremist Islam around the world. They will be bringing the rapes, torture, burning civilians alive and murder to your front doorstep next.


  1. "Israel’s committing the worst atrocities I’ve ever witnessed."
    Point of order but I doubt the youngster has never witnessed a single atrocity in their short life. Reading about it does not count. Watching it on the telly or internet does not count.
    When you can tell me what it smells like, when you can't get it out of your head at night, we'll talk.

  2. To add to this, the "From the River to the Sea" includes everyone who lives in Israel, including Muslims, Christians, animists, atheists and their little dogs, too. (look it up.)

  3. The pro Palisimian supporters here are nothing more than useful idiots. Temporarily useful to the left... but always idiots. When they cease to be useful the left will discard them, perhaps like Stalin put them up against the wall and shoot them. If that happens it's no loss.


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.