
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Monday, January 29, 2024

"I'm a Muslim, I don't support terrorism nor hate other religions, there are thousands like me, yet people always stereotype that Muslim = terrorist?..........."

 We came back from our cruise and it was great!  The ship was big but it didn't feel big, so I wasn't "peopled" out like normal.  I will post a bit about it tomorrow.

     I saw this one on quora while I was at the airport waiting for the plane. I ordered the book.

Mark Roseman wrote the response.

I'm a Muslim, I don't support terrorism nor hate other religions, there are thousands like me, yet people always stereotype that Muslim = terrorist and Islam is (a religion of hatred and not peace). Why is that?

So glad you asked. After the 9/11 attacks, Americans were screaming, Who are these people? Muslims, we were told. President George W. Bush did everything he could to keep the lid on, to prevent a violent reaction against Muslim Americans. But Muslim Americans were strangely silent in their own defense. Oh yes, they said a few perfunctory things about a religion of peace, but it was not with the intensity or conviction we expected, and hardly credible.

Several books came out to help Americans understand Islam. A good one is The Crisis of Islam, by Bernard Lewis. If you are wondering why Americans think Islam is the religion of the sword, and a religion that has not progressed from the Dark Ages, get a copy and find out. Americans were asking themselves, What is a Caliphate? Are these people serious? As the years went by we learned about Sharia law and viewed clips of Taliban enforcers whipping women in the streets. Not exactly good PR for Islam.

While only a small percentage of Muslims may be terrorists, we fear the Muslim community is a breeding ground and a haven for them.

How many Muslims have publicly criticized the barbarity of the attacks against Israel, and I mean the rapes and acts of gratuitous sadism? All we hear are excuses. Where was the outcry from the Muslim community after the Boston Marathon bombing? One of the perpetrators, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was an immigrant who became an American citizen and was later radicalized here. Hey, thanks, buddy. How many more of you are out there looking just as cute and innocent as you do?

He was captured and later explained that had he escaped, he and his brother had planned another bombing for Times Square. If you are an American citizen, how do you commit acts like that against other Americans? It is fair to assume he expected praise from other Muslims.

Maybe you are afraid to speak out? Maybe you don’t want to suffer the fate of Salman Rushdie, living in hiding with a fatwa on his head for writing a book critical of Islam. What is the civilized world to think of Islam when one of its leaders calls for the assassination of a writer—and moderate Muslims don’t say anything?

You wrote, “I don’t support terrorism.” That is not the same as speaking out against it. Do you view acts of Islamic terrorism as murder? If you were on a jury, would you find the terrorists guilty and vote for the death penalty? Anything less tells me you are part of the problem.


  1. Yeah. When idiot 'Christians' like that Westboro church do stupid stuff, most of the rest of the Christian World tells them to shut up and get their heads out.

    But muslims? Yeah, where's all the muslim outrage about terrorist attacks, about rapes, about slavery, about subjugation and death? Where's all the muslim outrage about all the money and resources stolen from the Gazan people by Hamas and used to start a war Israel didn't want?

    Then there's the whole 'we're leaving the area' in 1948 because other muslims promised to kill all the Jews. Morons.

    And ask Israeli Muslims how horrible their lives are. You know, the same Muslims that are being killed by muslims because they are on 'the wrong side' of the border fences.


  2. A Muslim that does support conquering the entire world by any means necessary is not a Muslim... true muslims consider them an apostate, someone to be killed even BEFORE you or I who they consider mere infidels. Islam simply WILL NOT TOLERATE anyone of ANY other ideology but their own. Ever. And they most especially will not tolerate apostasy.

  3. They never come out against their 'brothers', which is one of the reasons...

  4. Someone is burning down thousands of churches in Europe and North America and based on the silence and lack of investigation it is probably being done almost entirely by muslims loose in the hated West. When you find that roughly 90% of ALL MUSLIMS agree that apostates should be put to death you pretty much get the idea of what they're all about. They're a death cult.

  5. moslems have been waging ware against civilization for 1400 years.
    Their instruction manual says convert all infidels, or kill them.
    It also says lie to the infidel about the true aim of islam.

    You could look it up....

    I believe zero moslems and I trust zero moslems.


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.