
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Goings on at Casa De Garabaldi.


Apologies for not posting for almost a week.  We had some things going on here, besides the ever present Overtime, this is the background.  Remember My wife and I went on the cruise and we had my son stay behind and basically babysit the house and "Goofy" A.K.A  "D.O.G" pronounced DeeYooGee.  Now DeeYooGee is 14 years old and until recently has been in good health and is the quintessence  counter surfer, until recently where he started to have "incontinence" issues so my son took him to the Vet  and they scheduled an ultrasound after our return,   They did do an Xray and it showed something but it was inconclusive. so when we returned we had the ultrasound scheduled for this past Wednesday week.   The Wife dropped him off and I picked him up, when we got off work.  we already had the diagnosis, and it was bad.

     "Goofy" had 4 huge tumors on his spleen, they had metastasized to his lungs and abdomen.    I was given the option of "putting him to sleep right then" by the vet, she also told me that we could do the oncologist route, and he may or may not survive the operation to remove the cancers, and then the treatments would be painful for him and give us only 6 months due to the type of cancers they are and the age of the dog.  I decided to take him home and let us love on him for a few days then return on Saturday and prepare to have him cross the rainbow bridge. and that is what we did.

                                    Sleeping off the the Food Coma, from the eggs.

     I brought him home and we proceeded to spoil that dog on Wednesday, Thursday morning, my son made him 5 eggs and a whole ring of kielbasa for him for breakfast.  Well of course the dog liked that idea, LOL.  I got home from work, spoiled him.  Friday I got off work early, and went home and grabbed him and took him to give him a bath.

     He had that long suffering Lab look, but the amount of hair....I felt bad for whomever had to clean the drains at the pet stores.  

   Goofy trying to leave with the towel while I was trying to dry him off...it always is a game with him.

       We went back home where my son fed him a steak.. Like I said, we went out to spoil him

    Saturday morning arrived, our appointment is at 11:30, so I and my son took :D.O.G to the park for a walk, I went by Chicfila, got us breakfest and goofy got some chicken nuggets.  We went to the park, and D.O.G wasn't doing good, but he was game so we slowly walked the route.

D.O.G  Finally ate his nuggets and we felt better as we were walking.   Finally we got to the end of the route and D.O.G was wore out.  We got home around 11:12 and waited for the spousal unit.  She came downstairs and I took a quick picture of "goofy", as he was asleep by the back door.

   My Last Pic of "Goofy" A.K.A   D.O.G pronounced "DeeYooGee"

      We went to the vet and they were very supportive and the Vet again told us in this case, we were making the right decision.  Man it was hard, I stayed with goody until the end petting him and telling him that he is a good dog.  God it was hard.   The Vet asked us to wait outside for 15 minutes as they prepared the remains and transferred him to a biodegradable box, and they put it in the Wife's Edge.  We then drove goofy home for the last time.   We buried him in the back yard where he liked to roam as is proper.

     It has been strange, the house is soo quiet, no collar jingling, or goofy begging for snacks..or getting into mischief.

    I'm gonna miss him, I do believe that when we cross over and go to heaven, we will see our pets because heaven is perfect, and perfection will have to have our furry friends there to keep us company.  I know it sounds corny, but it is what I believe.



  1. Dude, I feel your pain. 'twas many years ago I had the same issue with my lab, and I had to do the same thing.

    Still hurts and i still miss her.

    All I can say is that it is hard, sometimes, to be the human do the right thing.

  2. Humans don't deserve our pets. Fortunately for us our pets are unaware of that fact.

  3. If there are no dogs in heaven, then I don't want to go there. Sorry for your family's loss.

  4. I too, have walked that last mile with my past beloved dogs. It is not an easy duty to do. When my wife and me separated 9 year ago, she didn't want the Chihuahua female named Guido.I took her and she has been the best little 10# buddy! She is almost 16 and still is very active and I get a health check every year, all good. This one will be difficult as she really has lassoed my heart.

  5. Know he'll be waiting on you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss, I've been through it too many times. Now, I just read another story like yours, and it's tissue time. At 73, I'm counting on my pack (of 9 or 10?) on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, to get me passed the Border Guards, to get me in. Don't know how old you are, but think about rescuing another dog. The love is worth it.


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.