
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Friday, February 9, 2024

Relics from the Long forgotten past....

 Thank you to every one for their comments of condolences of us loosing "goofy", they were much appreciated.

Well we were in Puerto Rico and I saw something in the bakery where I was getting really good coffee..

    Yeah I was trying to wake up so I asked for a "Coffee Grande" and that is what I got, Man my heartbeat sped up just sniffing it, LOL   It was GOOD but anyway I saw this on the wall..

  Well anyway I saw those relics from a long forgotten past....lol
   Then I saw this on St Thomas USVI(U.S. Virgin Islands)

   I had a lot of "Post with my many opinions on masking...all bad, I hated the damm things" and I mocked the "CovidKarens"  incessently.   What prompted this post was that I found this.

 while cleaning out my F150 A..K.A ' The Precious" or my stand, or my work platform or whatever I use her for.

    YES, My "Essential Worker Letter", I had in the truck back in the scary old days of yore when the CDC was trying to scare the crap out of people in preparation to screwing President Trump over to supporting their Political Masters the Democrats. when they finally rolled out the "mail in ballots" and flooded in the voting in stations with fake ballots supporting that dottering old meat puppet that presently resides in the white house.  I wonder what they will roll out in 2024 because there is another election and I keep hearing of "another variant" and Phiszer" and the other big pharma companies are rolling out the booster shots ads big time trying to drum up the fear and demand for their product....again.   I didn't take the initial and I sure will not take anything this time.   It will be interesting to see how it plays out the next coming months..


  1. I was also provided with a very similar letter by both the military, and my civilian employer, never needed to show either one to anybody, but they were in my car just in case of a lockdown. Commercial diesel mechanic is an essential infrastructure support member now, not just a yard dpe, or grease monkey, you will respect my authority. Sorry drifted off there for a second, rental and admin didn't get these letters but wrench breakers did. I had one in my service truck, and one in my car. Kinda curious as to what they have for plan B, heard about a bloody blowout on a trans Atlantic flight recently, things that make you go Hmmm?

  2. Yep, what's their 'plan' for this year???


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