This is the continuation of the story that I had read from Matt Bracken. To me it shows what can happen in the near future.
This is how I view islam, you can't criticize it or you run afoul of the "PC Police"
And agencies of the government that seems that it is its job to punish those that insult islam. If you doubt me, remember that the DOJ is heavily politicized and AG Lynch has set up special branches of the DOJ to investigate anti islam behavior. The United States was founded as a place where you can worship as you please without government getting involved. but now we seem to have one "Protected" religion.
Piss Christ? Piss Koran!
Part Two: Morning Light
by Matthew Bracken
At seven minutes after six, Mike closed his notebook and put the
bottle of apple juice behind his pack and near the bottom of his poncho
shanty. Then he took a Sony portable AM/FM radio the size of a cigarette
pack from a cargo pocket of his trousers. It already had a wire for a
single ear bud wrapped around it. He switched it on: it was preset for
Jerry Conroy was talking over his show’s lead-in bumper music.
“Folks, if you’re just tuning in, we have a major situation happening
near 6th Avenue and 53rd, right across from the BCA television network
building in Manhattan. If you were listening to this show last Friday,
then you already know about the Serrano exhibit that’s opening today at
the Modern Art Museum. If you’re not up to speed, Andres Serrano is the
artist who created the infamous Piss Christ. Well, today there’s a man
sitting up on a construction crane across 6th Avenue from the BCA
building, and, he’s threatening to create some new art of his own if the
Serrano exhibit opens up this morning. Brooklyn Mike, are you still
Mike Dolan removed the ear bud, and picked up his flip phone. “I’m
here, Jerry.” He looked down at the screen of his iPhone. Charlie Thorn
was staring intently, saying nothing, and then the BCA camera cut back
to its shot of him up on the crane. Then a still picture of Jerry Conroy
appeared with the caption, “WNYR talk radio host Jerry Conroy.”
“Mike, can you explain to our listening audience what you’re doing up there?”
“Well, Jerry, like you just said, it’s about the Serrano exhibit.”
“Folks, if you didn’t already see it on BCA a few minutes ago,
Brooklyn Mike is threatening to douse a copy of the Koran in urine if
the Serrano exhibit opens up. Do we understand that correctly, Mike?”
“You got it, Jerry. If they show the
Piss Christ at the MAM, then I’m going to create the
Piss Koran up here.”
“Mike, if you do that, you have to know that millions of Muslims around the world are going to be very, very upset.”
“Then that’s their problem. Almost nobody seems to object to the Piss
Christ, so why should the Koran be out of bounds? I mean, if we all
have the freedom of expression, why shouldn’t I be free to create my own
art? The mayor said that we had to respect Serrano’s artistic vision
and his right to free expression, so why should the Koran be off
“That may all be true, but let’s be practical. Let’s be realistic.
You have to know there’s going to be a terrible reaction to your stunt.
And the responsibility will lie with you.”
“With me? Jerry, last Friday you asked why Christians and Jews were
just expected to take this kind of abuse like sheep, but we couldn’t say
one word about Islam, or bombs would go off. So
you gave me the idea, Jerry,
did. So why don’t you have to share some of the responsibility? How far
back does this responsibility thing go? I mean, is there still free
speech in America, or not?”
“But if you go through with this stunt, come on, Mike, you know that a lot of people are going to be hurt. A
lot of people.”
“Why is that? I’m not threatening to hurt anybody. I’m just going to
create a new work of art — just like Serrano.” Mike checked his smart
phone again. The still picture of Jerry Conroy was across from him in
the corner of the screen.
“Do you understand all of the ramifications of what you’re doing today, Mike?”
After a pause, he said, “Yes, I believe that I do.”
Conroy sighed. “Well, Mike, are you willing to take some questions from callers?”
“Why not?”
“Okay, folks, first up is Reverend Samuel L. Peterson, pastor of the
Faith Tabernacle Mission. Reverend Peterson is also on the board of the
New York Interfaith Council. Reverend Peterson, go ahead.”
The reverend sounded old and frail. “Mike, oh, Mike, are you really
going to do this terrible thing? If you do, you are going to cause an
unimaginable outbreak of rage across the Muslim world! I fear that many
people are going to be hurt! Do you really want to do that? Do you want
that on your conscience?”
“Why would it be on my conscience? I wouldn’t hurt a fly. I’m just
creating a new work of art, just like Serrano. Nothing more, and nothing
less. I can see the Modern Art Museum from here, down 53rd. It was in
the news all last week, pastor. Were you planning to come down to
protest against it?”
“Uh, Mike, well, I’m, you see, I’m not much of an expert on art — ”
“And you’re just so
busy, I know. Too busy to worry about the
Piss Christ, or what Christians think about it. But you’re Johnny-on-the-spot today, aren’t you?”
“Michael, may I call you Michael? Michael, two wrongs don’t make a right.”
Mike snorted. “What? Is that the best you can do? Seriously? Reverend Peterson, tell me something. Do you know what a
dhimmi is? In English, it’s spelled d-h-i-m-m-i.
Dhimmi. It’s an Arabic word. Do you know what it means? Ever hear of it?”
“Michael, I’m not sure what that has to do with — ”
“It has everything to do with everything!
Dhimmi! Do you know the word, or not?”
“I must say that I’m not familiar with it. I don’t speak Arabic, and I don’t see — ”
“Well, I suggest that you look it up, you old fool! Lenin would have
called you a useful idiot. You’re not leading your flock to verdant
pastures, you’re leading them straight to a pack of hungry wolves!
You’re a
dhimmi, and you don’t even know it.”
After a moment, Jerry Conroy came back on and said, “Ah, Reverend
Peterson seems to have dropped off the line. Mike, we’re not going to
get very far if you treat our callers this way.”
“I’m sorry the reverend is gone, because I had some more to tell him.
‘Interfaith’ preachers like Peterson are nothing more than Judas goats,
leading their flocks straight into the slaughterhouse. He’s doing the
work of the jihadists, and he’s too stupid to even understand it.”
“So, what does this
dhimmi thing mean, anyway?”
“You don’t know either?”
“No, should I?”
“Yeah, you should. Look it up sometime.”
“Okay, I will. But now we have more callers waiting. If you can keep
your temper, maybe we can work this out. Imam Sayyid Qutb of the
Al-Hijra Mosque in Brooklyn is on the line. I’m told that Imam Qutb is
one of the foremost authorities on Islamic jurisprudence in America.
Imam Qutb, you’re on the air. Am I pronouncing your name correctly?”
An elderly male voice, with a strong Middle Eastern accent. “Yes,
that’s fine. And am I also speaking to the man up on the crane, the man
who is causing all of the worry and consternation today?”
Mike felt a chill of recognition at the name of the imam, and his
mosque. “If you say that I am, then I guess I am.” He had purchased his
Koran and his other Islamic holy books in the Al-Hijra Mosque’s
bookstore. Then he had done some more research into the mosque, and he
even read a few short on-line biographies of the well-known Imam. Mike
scanned his iPhone: BCA news had a still shot of the imam on the screen,
with a telephone symbol next to it. Below his photo, the caption read
“Imam Sayyid Qutb, National Islamic-American Council.” In the photo Qutb
had a long gray beard, wire-rimmed glasses, and a checkered scarf
around his head.
The imam said, “Oh, Mike, don’t do it — I implore you.
Please don’t do it.”
“Why not? Last week the mayor said that multicultural diversity is
New York’s greatest strength, and he said that we all have to respect
diverse views about what constitutes art, so I’m pretty sure that he’ll
love the
Piss Koran — ”
“Please, don’t say that! I implore you, Mike, don’t say that again.”
“What’s the problem with saying
Piss Koran? It’s a free country, isn’t it?”
“Because you must know that the violent extremists will be provoked. What you have discussed doing will be taken as an
provocation by Muslims around the world. I can hardly imagine a worse
provocation. I fear that great violence will be the result of such a
great act of blasphemy.”
“Nobody cares about the
Piss Christ except for a handful of intolerant Christian bigots, that’s what the mayor said. So why should anybody care about the
Piss Koran?”
“Mike, it’s a sad reality that there are Muslim extremists who
misunderstand the underlying peaceful message of the Holy Koran. If you
commit this act of provocation, many people will be hurt, that is my
great fear. I don’t want to see that happen, and I’m sure that you don’t
want to see it happen either.”
“Imam Qutb, are Muslims really that close to committing violence, that they’ll commit violence over a simple work of art?”
“Mike, Muslims are very peaceful people. The Holy Koran says that
anybody who murders another, it is as if he murdered the whole world.”
“Yes, it does say that. In fact, I have a bookmark on that page, so I
can read it right now.” Mike took the Koran from the bucket, and opened
it across his lap.
“Here it is: Sura 5:32. I even highlighted it.
‘Whoever kills a
human being for other than murder or corruption in the earth, it shall
be as if he had killed all mankind. And who saves the life of one, it
shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.’ The problem I
have with that verse is the part about ‘or corruption in the earth.’ In
context, that refers to unbelievers who resist the spread of Islam
after they have heard the message. When it was written, it was referring
to the Jews in Arabia, and they were all slaughtered for resisting
Islam. Now, I’m not an Islamic scholar, but that ‘corruption in the
earth’ part seems like a pretty big loophole to me. It sounds to me like
that means it’s fair game for Muslims to kill any infidels who resist
the spread of Islam.”
“Where did you ever hear such a thing, Mike?”
“It’s in the Koran, and the Hadiths of Mohammed. And
Reliance of the Traveller, and some other Islamic holy books that I’ve been studying.”
“Did you read them yourself, or did somebody tell you that? I fear
that you have been very badly misinformed. Islam is first and foremost a
religion of peace.”
“Then what about Sura 9:5, the Verse of the Sword?” Mike flipped to another bookmark.
and slay the unbelievers wherever you find them, and lie in wait for
them in every stratagem of war. But if they repent and establish regular
prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them; for
Allah is forgiving and most merciful.”
“The Christian Bible also contains violent passages, would you like
to hear some of them as well? You see, there are many differing
interpretations of Islam, and there are unfortunately a small percentage
of extremists who prefer to choose among the more violent verses. Just
as there are violent Christian extremists, who choose among the violent
verses of the Bible.”
“But there are over a hundred verses in the Koran that tell Muslims
to wage jihad against the infidels until they submit to Islam, so I
don’t think that you can compare the Koran to the Bible. And there’s
something even more important than the number of times that the Koran
tells Muslims to slay the unbelievers — I’m talking about the Islamic
principle of abrogation. Tell me if I’m wrong, but abrogation means that
the verses from the later chapters cancel out the earlier verses if
there’s any contradiction. Sura 9 was the last chapter that Allah gave
to Mohammed, so it abrogates any earlier verses that contradict it. It
erases them. The peaceful verses were written when Mohammed was in
Mecca, and his new religion was only just beginning.
“But in Mecca, Mohammed’s new religion wasn’t pulling in many
converts, at most, maybe one or two hundred, and that was after a few
years of trying, so he left. It wasn’t until after Mohammed’s
hijra migration to Medina that he started to pull in thousands of new converts. You know,
— like the name of your mosque. And the big reason that they were
suddenly attracted to Mohammed’s new religion was because after he got
to Medina, Allah told Mohammed that his followers could kill anybody who
opposed the spread of Islam, and take their property, and take their
women as slaves. The Verse of the Sword cancels out the peaceful verses
from the Meccan period, isn’t that true? Isn’t that the meaning of
“I don’t know where you have learned your understanding of Islam, but
I fear that you have come under the influence of the Islamophobes.”
“Imam, you’re one of the leading Islamic scholars in America, so I’m
sure that you understand the principle of abrogation. I thought it might
be important, so I wrote it down on another bookmark. Here it is:
abrogation is ‘
naskh’ in Arabic. At least, that’s how they spell it in English. You never heard of it?”
“I’ve heard of it, but I’m afraid that you have only learned one meaning of
from among many. A true understanding of these concepts would take many
years of careful study at an Islamic university. There are differing
ways to interpret the meaning of the holy books, and Muslims understand
their faith in differing ways. Thankfully, most Muslims are quite
moderate in their beliefs, just as most Christians are.”
“Moderate Muslims…that reminds me. I wrote down something about that. Here it is. President Erdogan of Turkey said that
is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it. These
descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our
religion.’ So, was he wrong to say that?”
“President Erdogan speaks only for himself. I don’t know what was in
his mind, or even if that is a true quotation of what he said.”
“Well what about you, Imam Qutb? Do you think it’s insulting to
suggest that there is moderate and immoderate Islam? Since you live in
America now, do you consider yourself to be a moderate Muslim? I mean,
you’re not one of those radical extremists, are you?”
“I consider myself to be a faithful and principled Muslim. But why are
you questioning
That which you are planning to do will lead to a great catastrophe! My
question to you is, why are you doing it? What is your hidden agenda?”
“Why? I told you already: I want to create another great work of art like Serrano’s
Piss Christ. Maybe even better. Then, someday I can have an exhibit in the Modern Art Museum, too.”
“The unnecessary deaths of many people will be upon your name if you
go ahead with this great blasphemy! Are you willing to accept that
terrible responsibility?”
“Any murder is the responsibility of the murderer and nobody else.
Imam, you’re from Egypt, and Arabic is your first language, isn’t that
“Yes, that is correct. And I must say that if you have been reading
the Koran in English, then you can’t really understand the many subtle
nuances that are lost in translation.”
“But Imam Qutb, I bought my Koran at an Islamic bookstore, and it
says right here that the translation is fully certified by the Al-Azhar
Islamic University in Cairo, and it’s recommended for teaching
non-Muslims about your faith.” Mike held the inside cover of the Koran
up for the camera. “See, it has English on one side, and Arabic on the
other. And most of the Muslims in the world don’t speak Arabic, so they
to use a translation of the Koran, otherwise, they can’t read it. So
what about the people that can’t read Arabic? Are you saying that only
Arabic speakers are able to fully comprehend Islam? Why wouldn’t Allah
make Islam comprehensible to
all people in
all languages?”
“You are speaking in riddles, Mike, and I don’t know why. I’m afraid
that a complete understanding of Allah’s divine intentions for mankind
are much more complicated than can be conveyed with a brief explanation
over the telephone.”
“Well, in that case, can you explain just one more Arabic word to me,
with all of its subtle nuances? I think it’s an important word for all
Americans to understand.”
“What word is that?”
Taqiyya. Can you tell us the meaning of
taqiyya, and how it relates to
dawah, which is the spreading of the faith of Islam among the unbelievers?”
“Oh, Mike, I can see that I am wasting my time with you today, and I
am very sorry for that. Clearly, your mind has been poisoned by the
professional Islamophobes.”
“So, you won’t tell everybody what
taqiyya means?”
“Mike, I’m very sorry that your mind is closed to the truth of the
message of Allah. And again, I urge you in the very strongest terms not
to conduct your act of blasphemy.”
“Can you please explain why blasphemy against one religion is acceptable, but not against another?”
“I would never say that
any blasphemy is acceptable, ever. Faithful Muslims are against
all forms of blasphemy. If it was my decision, no such blasphemy would be permitted.”
“But in our country, we have the freedom of expression under the
First Amendment of the Constitution, and the Constitution is still the
supreme law of our country.”
“Free expression is not an excuse for the incitement of violence. One
may not shout fire in a crowded theater, to use a famous example.”
“I am doing no such thing. I’m all by myself.”
“Mike, I equally condemn the blasphemous Serrano exhibit as I condemn
what you are planning. And I would call on Muslims who honor
of our prophets to come to the place where this blasphemous Serrano
exhibit will held, to protest against it.” Imam Qutb then spoke a few
sentences in Arabic, which, of course, Mike could not understand.
Jerry Conroy said, “I’m sorry, but what does that mean? What did you just say?”
“I said that faithful Muslims should come to the place of the blasphemy, to pray for peace among all people of faith.”
“Oh, all right. We can certainly all agree on that. Thank you, Imam Qutb. Thank you for your unique perspective.”
“You’re welcome.” Then the imam spoke few more words in Arabic, and he was gone.
Conroy said, “Folks, I know this is an unusual situation, but we’ve
blown right through our scheduled break. We’ll be right back after these
messages from our sponsors.”

Up on the crane, Mike looked at his smart phone. BCA had also cut to a
commercial. He reached into his pack, took out a half-liter water
bottle, and sipped from it. He’d been drinking only sparingly since the
night before, and had eaten nothing, so that he would not be interrupted
by a call of nature. He was much too wired to feel hunger or to need a
cup of coffee or any other stimulant. He put the pocket radio’s ear bud
back in, and listened to the commercials on WNYR, so that he would know
when the break was over.
Then he pushed the preset button for National Public Radio. A panel
was discussing the dramatic situation in Midtown Manhattan. Voices were
shouting over one another about how to avert the great calamity that was
going to befall New York, and indeed, the entire world, if the
“standoff” on the crane was allowed to proceed any further. One of the
female panelists even suggested that it would be better for the police
to shoot Brooklyn Mike dead where he sat, rather than to allow his
desecration of the Holy Koran to occur! As the lesser of evils! To save
lives! On NPR, no less! Then Mike went back to WNYR, so that he wouldn’t
miss the next segment.
He looked down 53rd toward the MAM while he was waiting. It was full
morning light, and even though the street was still mostly in shadow, he
didn’t need his binoculars to see what was happening. The flatbed with
the extra police barricades was now parked at the 6th Avenue end of 53rd
in the shadow of the BCA tower. City workers in orange vests were
setting up a police line across 53rd where it intersected 6th Avenue.
Then he heard the Jerry Conroy Show bumper music, and picked his phone
back up.
Conroy was saying, “We’re back live, folks, and all I can say, is —
wow! Did anybody see this coming? Brooklyn Mike, are you still there?”
“I’m here, Jerry.”
“Next, we have a special guest who would like to speak with you. In
the studio with me is Victor Del Rio, a special assistant to the mayor
for public safety. Victor, you’re on.”
“Mike, this is Victor Del Rio, but you can call me Vic, everybody
does. So how are feeling up there, buddy? Me, I can’t stand heights. So
what are you thinking, big Mike? Anything you need? I’m sure that we can
work something out. I’m sure we can settle this problem without anybody
getting hurt.”
Mike hesitated before he spoke. “I haven’t said a single word about
hurting anybody, Vic. So now I’m guessing that you’re some kind of
police negotiator, is that right?”
“Mike, um, no, I, uh, no, uh… No.”
“Vic, I don’t have any weapons. I don’t have a bomb. And I’m not
going to jump. You have nothing to worry about from my end. So why don’t
you put Jerry back on?”
“Well, gee, Mike, it looks like Jerry has stepped out for a minute,
but I’m sure he’ll be back in a while. In the meantime, why don’t you
and I talk?”
Mike looked at his iPhone. The shot of him at the end of the crane
occupied the entire screen. There was no photo of “Victor Del Rio.” If
he was really one of the mayor’s “special assistants,” then BCA News
would have a picture of him ready to show the world. They’d had no
trouble finding a photo of Imam Qutb, or Reverend Peterson.
“All right, Vic, we can talk. But first, I want to show you
something, and then we can talk about it.” Mike took out his aluminum
clipboard case, slid out a sheet of paper, and held it up for the
camera. “I printed this right off the BCA website over the weekend. See?
It’s Serrano’s
Piss Christ, right on their website. The web
page had links to a couple of their old news stories about it, and I
watched some of them. BCA News had no problem at all showing
Piss Christ on national television at least five different times.”
A glance at his smart phone showed that BCA was indeed broadcasting
the printed screen capture of their web page, complete with a large,
well focused rendition of
Piss Christ in bright orange and
yellow. “See that, Victor? They had no problem at all showing
anti-Christian art. The web page was still up yesterday, and it’s
probably still up right now.”
Then Mike took another sheet of paper from the aluminum case and held
it up for the camera. “But here’s a picture from a much bigger news
story. People got killed over pictures like this, but BCA
never showed them, not even one single time.”

Mike held a full-page copy of a cartoon next to the copy of the BCA
News Piss Christ web page. It was a hand-drawn caricature of a bearded,
glaring man wearing a turban. The turban had a lit fuse, making it into a
bomb. Mike held the two pictures as steady as he could in his left
hand, side by side, because he had to hold the phone in his right. The
breeze was coming up, and he had to hold the two pages against his chest
to keep them from blowing around. The picture on his smart phone cut
away to Charlie Thorn, who appeared completely startled, but no words
were formed by his gaping mouth. Then the screen returned to the live
crane shot, but this time, both pages on Mike’s chest were pixilated.
Mike held the two pages up for a few more seconds, and then he put them

“Now, isn’t that interesting, Vic? All these years, and BCA News
never had a problem with showing a photograph of Jesus Christ on the
cross, submerged in piss. If Christians didn’t like it, that was their
problem. But when I put the Piss Christ next to a cartoon of Mohammed,
all of the sudden it gets blurred out. Now, why do you think that is?”
Victor Del Rio said, “Mike, I agree with you, man. One hundred
percent. And I’m glad that BCA is finally coming around and showing some
respect for our Christian values and sensibilities, and we all have you
to thank for that. You’ve done a great service today, Mike, you really
have. Now, if we can talk about how we’re going to resolve this other
situation, I think that — ”
“Vic, I think that you’re an NYPD hostage negotiator, but I don’t see
any hostages, do you? So why don’t you put Jerry Conroy back on the
“Mike, I can’t do that right now. Jerry’s, uh, Jerry’s on his way over to the BCA News studio, and, uh — ”
“Vic, I know it’s just your job, but if you don’t put Jerry back on
in the next sixty seconds, I’m not waiting until ten o’clock when the
Serrano exhibit opens. I’m not a complete fool, Victor. Fifty seconds.”
Mike pinched the phone between his left shoulder and cheek, wishing he
had brought some kind of a headset to keep both hands free. He reached
behind him and dragged over the bottle of apple juice, set in on the
deck in front of the Koran in the bucket, and unscrewed the cap
Then Jerry Conroy’s voice returned. “I’m still here, Mike. Please, put the bottle away. I’m still here.”
“I’m glad you are, Jerry. But I don’t want to hear from any more
psychologists or police negotiators. If the mayor wants to talk to me,
then put on the mayor. If the police commissioner wants to talk to me,
then put him on. But no more stooges, okay? No more. Don’t sandbag me
like that again. Don’t insult my intelligence.”
“I’m sorry, Mike, I’m really sorry. You have to understand, I’m under a lot of pressure here.”
“You? Under pressure?” Mike snickered. “Tell me about it.”
Jerry Conroy laughed too. “Yeah, I can see your point. You want to take another call?”
“Only if it’s legit. No more stooges.”
“It’s legit, I promise.”
“Then put him on.”
“Okay, Mike. Here’s Joseph. He says he’s a Christian Arab from
Lebanon. Okay, Joseph, you’re on the Jerry Conroy Show with Brooklyn
“I’m on? Okay. Mike, like Jerry said, I’m a Christian, a Maronite
Catholic. Most of my family was wiped out, and the rest of us were
driven out of Lebanon by the Muslims thirty years ago, when I was a
young man. Now it’s happening again in Syria, in Iraq, everywhere in the
Middle East. Ethnic cleansing, religious cleansing, right in the lands
where Jesus walked. And I understand why you’re doing what you’re doing.
I understand your feelings, I understand your anger. But Mike, if you
go through with it, it’s going to be a slaughter. You understand that? A
complete slaughter! Innocents will die. The Muslims are going to go
absolutely out-of-their-minds bat-shit crazy if you do it.”
“What they do is up to them, Joseph. Are they human beings, with
reason, and free will, or are they just robots that look like humans,
but are programmed to kill on command?”
“I hear you, Mike, and I know what you’re saying. I really do. But I
also wanted to warn you, to warn everybody, that what the imam said that
he said in Arabic wasn’t what he really said. This is what he really
said.” The caller spoke in Arabic, and then in English again. “He called
all the Muslims in the city to come down and stop the great blasphemy,
no matter what the price. So I’m very afraid for your safety, Mike. I’m
afraid for everybody down there. That’s all I wanted to say. And good
luck. But don’t do it.”
“I appreciate that, Joseph, but I’m not changing my mind. If the
Serrano exhibit opens, I’m going to create my own work of art. Nothing
will change my mind.”
Conroy said, “All right, next caller, but please, keep it in English,
so that everybody can understand. Mike, are you ready for another
“Go ahead, Jerry.”
“All right, next up is Ghazi from Queens. Go ahead, Ghazi.”
“Mike, you are out of your mind, my
kafir friend. Out of
your mind! Do you know what is going to happen if you go through with
this great blasphemy? Do you know? You are not only going to
wish that you were dead, you are going to
for death!” Then the caller launched into a stream of blistering
invective in Arabic before he was cut off. With the ten-second delay,
Mike guessed that nobody listening would have heard his threats, or what
he said in Arabic at the end.
Conroy said, “Real sweet, Ghazi. Real sweet. Listen, folks, we won’t
get anywhere like that. If we can’t have a civil conversation, we’re
going to clear the lines and start all over again with new callers. Next
up, Mohammed is calling from Maryland. Go ahead, Mohammed.”
Another male voice with a thick Middle Eastern accent. “Mike, you are
making a very terrible mistake, a very terrible mistake. Already
millions of Muslims around the world are watching what you are doing.
The whole world is trembling for what you are about to do! The Holy
Koran is the received truth of Allah, and Muslims take it very
seriously. Please, don’t do this thing to our Holy Koran!”
“Listen, Ghazi, you came to my country, I didn’t go to yours. If you don’t like it, then why don’t you — ”
Conroy cut in. “Mike, the
mayor is on the line.”
“Great. Put him on.”
Hizzoner’s deep, gruff voice. “Mike, do you have any idea what kind
of hornet’s nest you’ve whipped up? Do you? And not only in New York.”
“I have a pretty good idea, Mr. Mayor. So, are you going to cancel the exhibit, or not?”
“We don’t give in to extortion, Mike. We can’t. Not under duress, not
with a gun pointed at our heads. You come on down, and we’ll discuss it
like mature adults, I promise. We’ll work something out, we’ll reach a
“I don’t have a gun, mayor. But I’m glad you called, because I have a
bone to pick with you. Last week, you said that right-wing Christian
bigots had to learn to show tolerance for the views of others. That was
when you announced that the Serrano exhibit was going ahead no matter
how much anger it was creating. Don’t you think that it’s time you gave
the same tolerance lecture to the Muslims?”
“How can you
possibly equate the two situations?”
“How can you not?”
“Nobody is threatening violence over the Serrano exhibit.”
“And I’m not threatening violence either, so what’s your point?”
“Mike, I’m sure that we can discuss this like mature adults.”
“I’m sure that we can. So call off the Serrano exhibit, Mr. Mayor.
Box it up and get it out of the city. After that, we’ll talk about me
coming down.”
“I can’t do that, Mike. That would be surrendering to extortion.”
“Well, then I don’t think that we have — ”
Then a blue and white helicopter dropped out of the sky, lurching to a
stop fifty feet in front of Mike’s perch, facing him like a
science-fiction super insect. It must have been hovering on top of the
building to arrive so suddenly and without warning. The rotors and
engine were barely audible, but then a wall of sound blasted from the
chopper louder than the front row of a death-metal rock concert. Driven
by animal reflex he turned away just in time to see a smaller helicopter
swerve in from behind the bank building and pull up over the crane’s

Blinding, pulsing light hit Mike’s platform from behind him, so bright
that he could barely see, even though he wasn’t looking toward it. It
was only a matter of luck that he hadn’t been staring at the police
helicopter when the light started flashing, but even while looking away
from it he was half blinded by its relentless strobing. The continuous
whooping acoustic roar was head-splitting, louder than standing directly
behind a jet engine at takeoff, but the sound was uneven, up and down
in tone, coming in erratic waves that were synchronized with the
blinding light. Waves of nausea rolled through him, his hands clamped
over his ears, feeling as if his skull was going to explode.
The smaller helicopter that appeared from behind the building had a
pair of SWAT commandos dressed in black leaning out on both sides, their
feet on its skids. The pilot worked in close to the crane, the
helicopter’s whirling rotors only feet from the window walls of the bank
building. Two SWAT cops on the building side of the little helicopter
kicked away from the skids and dropped, descending on ropes toward the
crane’s jib, halfway out to Mike’s perch.