
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Monday, August 14, 2017

Are we not enertained.........?

I clipped this off Brad Torgersen's facebook page.  I don't know whether to be pissed about the post or agree with the Post. 

On average, the United States racks up between 10,000 and 15,000 homicides a year.

Which ones make the news, depends entirely on what kind of narrative the news feels like pushing.
Example: you will seldom see the national media running breathless front-page reports about black teenagers killing black teenagers in Democrat-controlled Chicago. That's not news. That's business as usual. Boring. And not conducive to the kind of narrative the media are eager to shape.

This is a big reason why I am trying (and failing, but still trying harder anyway) to switch off the media in my daily experience. Because they are manipulators. Death and blood sell. Especially if it's death and blood which can be tied to hot-button hobbyhorse topics about which the media are forever obsessed anyway.

So, when some idiot clown plows his vehicle into a crowd of other idiot clowns, during an event which seems to be nothing but an all-hands All-Clowns-Day, the media—who drive the clown car—are right in the middle of it. Shaping perception. Ensuring that the line between commentary and fact, is blurred into the dust. Pinning tails on various donkeys, cough, I mean, elephants.

And here's the sick part: the media DO NOT CARE WHO GETS HURT. Just as long as it's not one of their own. They will happily stand and film—cameras held high—while other people suffer. Then jam a mic into the victim's face and yell, "TELL US, PLEASE, HOW HAS THE PRESIDENT LED US TO THIS DARK PLACE IN AMERICAN HISTORY?"

Because to the media, it's just entertainment. Click-bait. Fodder to fill days and weeks of infomasturbatorial editorializing. They love this stuff. It is their favorite thing in the world.
We, the proles, mean NOTHING to these people. They are ruling class. We are not. They don't care when we die, unless our deaths can be used to push an agenda.

We might as well all be participants in our own gladiatorial arena, with the media up in their many-thousands-of-dollars secure skybox, aiming their thumbs up, or their thumbs down.


  1. If it bleeds, it leads, unless it's against the left's agenda... sigh

  2. Forced myself to watch an hour or so of CNN on Saturday. What a bunch of one sided hooey. You'd think any violence was a one sided affair. Not once while I watched was any context given to who countering groups also involved in the violence might be. There were stretches of coverage where someone without knowing context would assume this was a story about a rally where attendees started beating up each other. Coverage was so lopsided, so incomplete, it just didn't make sense.


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.