
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Some additional rants and musings...

 First off,  something happened to a good chunk of the western world....

   Yeap, this was my "work 'puter"....Hard to do work, look up manuals, and process 8130's, ete,ete.   It has affected my employer, other airlines, and anybody else that uses a window's based operating system.  Apparently a Microsoft outsourced vendor uploaded a very buggy patch and it caused a lot of problems..I thought of several things...1st, who is going to pay for the millions of dollars people and companies lost because of this...and the second and more insidious...was this an intentional? meaning...because I'm so cynical, I can see this to either sink an election or on a bigger scale cripple the western based world in time for an attack by a hostile power.   This is the problem of having a computer driven society and the work is outsourced to foreign countries that allegiances are suspect.....or did I say that out loud....meanwhile my personal laptop wants me to restart to install the updates and I will not do that right now.

Some more information about the shooter is leaking out, but not from official .gov sources...wonder why...His classmates have told reporters that the asshole hated President Trump with a passion and he/she/it ranted about Trump all the time about how much a threat Trump was to America,  but for some reason the .gov agencies will not release the motive...

..*I smell Nashville shooter crap again, bad for the narrative  ya know*  but part of me can kinda get it, for almost half the kids life he was told this by the media.

      Celebrities, Donk politicians, and other people of note all over social media, that it saturates it and anybody that disagrees with it is buried and throttled so their message doesn't get out, and others that are in hollywood and other places can't say anything because the same people that say

Control the outrage page on social media and they can whip up the mob and get like minded sheep to scream and hurl feces at the offender for thinking or saying *wronghivethink* and ruin careers or worse so others stay silent.
      Meanwhile things are coming out that the current head of the USSC is a close friend of "Dr Jill" so FLOTUS pushed for her vegetable hubbie to get Kimberly Cheatle the USSS head honcho job.

     And the DEI over at the USSS hit the high gear, there have been complaints that they lowered the standards to entice and recruit more female and minority candidates, before this, there have been reports of certain female agents on VEEP Harris's detail getting upset and attacking her superiors with no repercussions because she is "of the protected class",  Well makes me think being with Harris would be a reason to lose your religion I suppose.  But the various meme's I have seen about the trials of the USSS and "sloped Roof's" have been comedic gold.   Meanwhile on ly last post I made on "Wednesday" I had made a comment " makes me wonder if someone was "encouraged" not to be as diligent as they should be for "career reasons"  I was listening to some of the commentary from Sirius/XM they had gotten news reports from sources that the head of Presidents Trump's detail was for years worked with the Bidens. And there have been documented reports and emails from the Trump agents asking for more resources and being repeatedly denied and there was a lot of strain between his agents and the higher ups of the USSS.  It kinda makes me wonder if someone was kinda encouraged to not be as diligent for "reasons", and add to the fact that a lot of his regular agents were assigned to "Dr Jills" rally in Pittsburgh so there was more of a reliance on local LEO's, but the reports are coming out that the communications between the USSS and the Locals was poor at best and the cops tried to confront the shooter the first time came from traffic detail.  Like I said, it was a soup sandwich and the .gov agencies are in full CYA mode.   There needs to be a outside the agencies investigation that will get to the bottom of what happened without softsoaping it, or covering it up or hiding it, because anything else will continue to fuel the mistrust that the American people have toward the American government.

    Meanwhile it all over "X" and other social media that the same people that  say that President Trump is being overdramatic about that big bandaid on his ear,  the same people you know....the formerly "CovidKarens" the far left faithful that can't openly say"Dang, the kid missed his shot:, so they make other disparaging comments, funny that....

        I was going to make a long musing about out current denizen at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, but according to the pundits, he decided to do a Johnson and not seek a second term and throw his support to Kamala...First thought was "How much did they promise him and "Dr Jill" to get them to step back from such a lucrative gig as the presidency", also I have an Idea who Kamala will publicly pick for her VEEP, and I will 'splain why I say what I said...

   I can see the power brokers of the party pushing the queen of corruption on Harris to "balance her out,", publicly to have the all Female Ticket to go against the all white male Ticket of the GOP, the intersectional donks will eat it up, to help give President Harris some foreign policy assistance with Clinton's experience in the foreign arena, she would be a vast asset.  My opinion, the power brokers know that Harris is unelectable, and will sacrifice her rather than take a chance of pissing off the legion of female black voters that is a huge loyal voting block for the donks. Getting her creamed will take her off the board for 2028 where a fresh slate of donks will have a chance to go up against JD Vance who right now don't have the star power of "the Donald".  Personally, if Harris wins, If I was her, I would hire a food taster if Hillary is my VEEP, she has a habit of "Arkancideing" her opponents.

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