
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Some more Rants and Musings...

 Still working the Overtime:)  So I post when I can..

Well the Paris Olympics have started and it has hit with a splash.....

Apparently the French decided to cater to the transgender movement and insult the Christian faith all in one go, I will make several observations...they  can and will insult Christianity, but not Islam, Judaism  Buddhism, Shintoism, Sikh, Taoism, etc,etc, just Christianity get insulted. I guess most of the others they have to worry about is getting a "Fatwa" that usually means death for insulting the true faith, but some of the others will also scream outrage and get upset, but pissing off the Christians, no biggie, "we can ignore them, the Christians are weak, and will do nothing."  I keep drawing parallels to other civilizations that have fallen because the people in them have lost the backbone to stand fast during the hard times when they come, during WWII and during the "Great Depression" the American people as a whole relied on their character and their faith that things will get better and eventually it did.  The faith sustained them until things did improve, but now if something bad happens, many people don't have the faith to endure what will comes and trust in God that things will get better, all they have seen is the hedonistic bullshit that has been pushed on Western Civilization for the past 30 years, and only us older people know what it was like before the hedonism arrived in full flaming glory.  My belief was that what one did on the privacy of their bedroom was no ones else's business unless it involved kids, but now it seems like they push the envelope every year, what is coming next? screwing farm animals as an legitimate kink and bringing "nambla" out of the shadows?   I am afraid that when the bad times come and it will, we as a society will collapse like a wet paper sack because we don't have the resiliency anymore, we won't have the spine that faith and societal laws and norms gave us,  people and society has gotten soft, I know the cycle," Hard times create hard men, Hard men create good times, good times create soft men, soft men create hard times."  I fear what is coming down the pike, I am in the late summer of my life, but my son who is in the spring of his life is going to have to deal with an America that will bear no resemblance to the America I came of age in. 

Well more information is coming out that there was definitely a power play by the Donk power brokers to get "Joe" to back out, and the talk is that it was Obama and Pelosi behind it,  I still wonder what they had to offer Joe to get him to back down after he kept saying for weeks that he is "in it to win it", I can't

 see the Biden Family and the Puppet Master Dr Jill

 walking away from the privileges and money that the presidency and access to the upper echelons gave to the preeminent crime family of America next to the Clintons.  

    Biden went on Television and gave a 11 minute speech that kinda explained why he was stepping away from the race and halfheartedly threw his support to Harris, but you could tell from his speech that he under speech was not a happy man, so I keep wondering what the DNC had on him to force him to step aside.  Its funny that the party that is screeching that "evil Orange Cheeto man is a threat to democracy, and wants to be a dictator", turns out and wipes out the votes of 14 million democrat voters who elected Joe Biden to be their standard bearer in the General election, but the party bosses yank him out because they want to win so bad they toss out the rules in their quest to win and select his VEEP to legally access the money that is available for the election of "Team Joe" can be used by Kamala.

Meanwhile once Kamala announced that she accepted the "nomination" if you can call it that, the mainstream media immediately went in full "Kissass" mode, you have by now have see all the glowing reports about how great she is, and they are already burying all the gaffes, and errors she made both as an attorney general and as a the most liberal senator from California. And lots not talk about her not doing the first Job that Biden assigned her, you know...

   Yeah,,,That one.  Where she never went near the border because they WANTED over 15 million illegals to come over because the Democrats are looking for another loyal voting block that will you know..

    This was an older cartoon that I used during the Obungler years but it is still accurate as it was before, but even more so because of the porous border.   I honestly believe that us "local" people are too set in our ways and will not get with the program that the statist democrats want where they can by dint of their education and station get to tell others what to do and many coming across the border have come from places that have heavy handed central governments to they are used to having a central government tell them what to do and how to love especially when the same government gives them free stuff, whereas we locals know better and will not go along with the program of letting the central government tell us how to live and where to live because the government has done such a Steller job in the past and central planning has worked soo well in other countries.

Meanwhile the USSS had their hearing on capital hill and it wasn't pretty, both GOP and Democrats lambasted the head of the USSS Kimberly Cheatle and she couldn't answer the questions posed by Congress, and she also stonewalled the congressional inquiries at the behest of Merrick Garland, and that pissed off a lot of people, and when Uncle Joe stepped aside taking "Dr Jill with her, she saw her political cover history so guess what she did...

   You betcha, and a long time USSS senior agent got appointed to temporarily run the agency for the near future.
    But We know who runs the DNC and the party bosses, There is the Clinton wing and the Obama Wing with Pelosi mixed in there, 

   President Obama once he realized that Biden no longer cut the mustard and after their reaction to the debate a month ago(Has it been that long?) forced Biden out and now have Kamala Harris dancing to his tune.  She honestly believes that she is the anointed one and that she will be the next president and she can continue the agenda that her mentor Obama wants to push to finish transforming America. 

In a prior "Posting" I had mentioned the Queen of Corruption that she might throw her tainted tiara into the ring if Kamala doesn't select her as her VEEP, also another person also is waiting for the call to get called up,   Yep Pete Buttigieg is anxiously awaiting the call, and yes he checks off several boxes to the intersectional focused donks.   however ...

   The Democrats are having their convention in Chicago, and there are a lot of parallels from the 1968 version and the 2024 version, both from the incumbent president not running for reelection, to a lot of dissatisfied donk voters wanting to protest the policies of the Biden administration, like their predecessors before in 1968, but a lot of people are wondering if it looks like Kamala can't handle the Juggernaut known as the Trump Train despite the fawning media covering for her and trying to hide her past errors in judgments, the power brokers lead by Obama will push Kamala to the side and select some one else they think might have a go against Trump.  It will be interesting indeed.



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