
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some Rants and Musings....


   On Saturday President Trump came within millimeters of getting assassinated  by a deranged 20 year old that according to reports that have come out later, had time to climb on the roof, use a range finder, and then set up on the roof and a cop saw him, and the guy pointed a rifle at him and the cop retreated down the ladder, meanwhile a lot of people were trying to get the attention of more law enforcement and the secret service about the guy on the roof but for some reason the information didn't seem to go anywhere.  Now here are a few things, I will include a link that has several tidbits of information for everyone that reads my blog.  Don Bongino "did a report on how badly the Secret Service screwed the pooch on this protection detail.", and the "CYA" mode they are in.  Dan Bongino was a Secret Service member for 10 years from 2001 until 2011 so he has some credibility.  Also there are links that a lot of Presidents Trumps detail were pulled to cover "Dr Jill's rally in Pittsburgh "


       My thoughts are that the aura of the invulnerability of the USSS is now toast, after the clown show that was witnessed on Saturday, by I honestly believe pure happenstance or divine intervention, the bullet fired by yon asshole would have gone into President Trump's cranium instead of his ear, and it would be a whole different conversation we would be having. Now this is my personal opinion, and yes I am very cynical, part of me wonders because of the clown show that was apparent on Saturday, the Secret Service looked like the Keystone Cops almost, makes me wonder if someone was "encouraged" not to be as diligent as they should be for "career reasons"  I had seen on social media earlier, don't know if it is true, but it makes me wonder there was a post on "X" and some of the others that the "Overwatch Sniper" team couldn't get clearance to shoot until the perp shot first, personally I find that hard to believe but after seeing the clown show from D.C I wonder if there is some truth to this.  I also know that if something had happened to President Trump, the discussion would have been much different, knowing the lefties, they would have been estactic and the rest of us would have been shocked, well we are shocked anyway, but it is almost expected because for 9 years now President Trump has been compared to well you get the picture...

      Go on Farcebook and and "X" and Insty and check out "Libs of TikTok", they have been going after all these lefties that have been wishing that the shooter had better aim, there is a lot of teachers, and other professionals in those ranks. These are the people teaching your kids...no wonder they are messed up including some staffers to several Donk politicians that use their congress critter "X" account to say unkind things and they got caught....darn....   Well anyway. like I said, there have been calls for the head of the USSS to resign, but she was a DEI hire from the Xiden Administration, as I recall, she came from Pepsi, and wasn't an internal hire, and they have really pushed the DEI for the past several years in the Secret Service, I wonder if this played a role in this debacle.  There needs to be an independent review, anything from the DOJ or DHS or the FBI will be spun to absolve them of any responsibility, do you know how I know...remember the Afghanistan withdrawal? after that shitshow, several general officers should have been cashiered out of the service...but nobody was punished despite the huge lose of prestige, equipment and worse of all 13 American G.I's lost their lives over a preventable event and none of the people in charge got punished.  Now you wonder why the people why here in flyover country don't want their kids signing up....they flat don't trust those self serving shits to give a damm about their solders....unless it is pride month...they are all over that crap because it part of their metrics that they are graded for promotions and assignments.


   This was discussed in prior post, but I will discuss it briefly, the left like to use violence as a volume knob, they turn it up or down to suit a political purpose, you notice after the assassination attempt on President Trump, there were no riots, no burning police cars, no burning apartments, or anything that would happen if the left were "Unhappy" about something, they would burn, loot and toss police cars, and the soft on crime DA's would give them a pass, that is how criminal justice system works here in the United States.  We on the right side of the aisle are not like the people on the left, now that being said, we do view President Trump as our last hope for our country, if something were to happen to him, the possibility of that switch being flipped is a heck of a lot closer, that is all I'm gonna say.  Do I want to live in spicy times....no, but who know what happens when it is decision time.

     I was in one of the Big box warehouse stores in my area and I saw this and I wanted to "ralph", I then commented, "This douche should have been in jail for all the lives he ruined", the jobs people lost, and families destroyed because of the junk science he pulled out of his ass, I remember the pressure I and others were under because we refused "The Jab"  and the resulting bullcrap that went along with it.

I was going to visit my brother from another mother to pass some BB Guns to him that belonged to the district, and I was in my subdivision, and I decided to stop for a moment, Sirius XM was playing my favorite song, and check out the temperature outside....*Dang*

   Was kinda warm...LOL

     Well anyway, My brother from another mother met me at the scout hut, he was driving his sons truck, yep my old truck, "The Precious" It was strange seeing my old truck, I like my new truck a lot, but I have a soft spot for my old truck, we had a lot adventures togethers, after putting the BB guns away in the scout hut, we BSed a bit then I took a picture of both trucks because I am weird that way...so there.

  I am still working all the overtime, I did this on my Sunday,   I will try to get more blogging in more often. I didn't realize that I had left my blog unattended this long, I will try to avoid this in the future.

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