I got this from here
Gun Owners Violate Law By Driving Past Wyoming School
July 13, 2011 by Personal Liberty News Desk
The Federal Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995 — which is part of the Crime Control Act — makes it a Federal crime to have a gun on public property, including highways, within 1,000 feet of schools, according to The Casper Star-Tribune. However, the news source points out that Interstate 25 in Cheyenne, Wyo., runs within 1,000 feet of Jessup Elementary School.
This means that those people who drive by the school with a gun in their car and do not have a concealed weapon permit are in violation of the law, which can result in up to five years in prison and the offender losing his right to bear arms.
“Anyone who carries in a populated area without a Wyoming permit is unavoidably committing multiple Federal felonies,” Grant Chapman, who is working with the National Coalition for Amending the Federal Gun Free School Zone Act of 1995, told the newspaper.
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