
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Only a matter of time.....

I saw this and it did resonate with me, I hate to mention the "V" word, the left trotted that word out a lot in the  70's and 80's until Desert Storm buried that one.   I am a student of history and I am seeing a lot of parallels from then and now.  When 20% of our casualties come from the people we are trying to train and save their own country.   The cultural differences I think are insurmountable.  We as western based individuals prize the belief of the individual, the middle east is what tribe you belong to, what family,  if you are an infidel or a believer.  Until Islam grows up, I think they will fight for the next several hundred years.  All we seem to do is waste our treasure.  I am not a defeatist by any stretch, but I am a realist. and I think we just need to quarantine the middle east until they kill each other off.   Does that sound brutal?   I am just to that stage.

Ralph Peters is retired military and author and a very trustworthy person.  This letter by him is very discouraging.

It Was Only a Matter of Time Before One of Our Men Broke Down           Ralph Peters
On Sunday, just before dawn, an American staff sergeant walked away from his post in the badlands of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, went into a nearby village, and methodically murdered sixteen civilians, including women and children. This didn't happen in the confusion of a firefight amidst the "fog of war." It was the brutal act of a veteran who cracked. The deed cannot be excused. But I believe it can be explained.
For a final analysis we'll have to wait until all of the facts come in, but it appears that a soldier who had served honorably during multiple tours in Iraq broke down and went mad in Afghanistan. We should not be surprised that this happened. We should be surprised that it hasn't happened sooner and more often: The shock of this incident after a decade of hopeless, meandering efforts that have thrown away the lives and limbs of our troops while ambitious generals lie about progress, seek promotion, and engage in military masturbation is actually a tribute to our men and women in uniform out on the front lines (to the extent that "front lines" exist).
That staff sergeant-who turned himself in after the killings-is guilty of murder in a degree yet to be determined, but the amazing thing is how disciplined, patient and tenacious our troops have been. Given the outrageous stresses of serving repeated tours in an environment a brand-new private could recognize as hopeless (while his generals fly back and forth congratulating themselves), it's remarkable that we have not seen more and even uglier incidents. The problem in Afghanistan isn't our troops-although craven generals routinely insist that everything is the fault of "disrespectful" soldiers-it's a leadership in and out of uniform that is bankrupt of ideas, bankrupt of ethics, bankrupt of moral courage-and rich only in self-interest and ambition.
If there's a "battle cry" in Afghanistan, it's "Blame the troops!" Generals out of touch with the ugly, brute reality on the ground down in the Taliban-sympathizing villages respond to every seeming crisis in Afghan-American relations by telling our troops to "respect Afghan culture."
But generals don't have a clue about Afghan "culture." They interact with well-educated, privileged, English-speaking Afghans who know exactly which American buttons to press to keep the tens of billions of dollars in annual aid flowing. The troops, on the other hand, daily encounter villagers who will not warn them about Taliban- planted booby traps or roadside bombs, who obviously want them to leave, who relish the abject squalor in which they live and who appear to value the lives of their animals above those of their women When our Soldiers and Marines hear, yet again, that they need to "respect Afghan culture," they must want to puke up their rations.
When I was a young officer in training, we mocked the European "chateaux generals" of the First World War who gave their orders from elegant headquarters without ever experiencing the reality faced by the troops in the trenches. We never thought that we'd have chateaux generals of our own, but now we do. Flying down to visit an outpost and staying just long enough to pin on a medal or two, get a dog-and-pony-show briefing and have a well-scripted tea session with a carefully selected "good" tribal elder, then winging straight back to a well-protected headquarters where the electronics are more real than the troops is not the way to develop a "fingertips feel" for on- the-ground reality.
Add in the human capacity for self-delusion, and you have a surefire prescription for failure.
Right now, our troops are being used as props in a campaign year, as pawns by dull-witted generals who just don't know what else to do, and as cash cows by corrupt Afghan politicians, generals and warlords (all of whom agree that it's virtuous to rob the Americans blind).
What are our goals? What is our strategy? We're told, endlessly, that things are improving in Afghanistan, yet, ten years ago, a U.S. Army general, unarmed, could walk the streets of Kabul without risk. Today, there is no city in Afghanistan where a U.S. general could stroll the streets. We may not have a genius for war, but we sure do have a genius for kidding ourselves.
Karzai regime. Right now, our troops are dying to preserve a filthy Kabul government whose president blatantly stole the last election and which has no hope of gaining the support of its own people.  Meanwhile, despite repeated claims that the Taliban is on its last legs, the religious fanatics remain the home team backed by Afghanistan's Pashtun majority. (If the people didn't back them, the Taliban would, indeed, have been long gone-we need to face reality.)
Recently, another friend, who clings to (now-retired) General Petraeus's counterinsurgency notion that, if we just hang on and give the Afghans enough free stuff, they'll come around to the American way of life, told me, yet again, "You should hear the intercepts we get from the low-level Taliban fighters…they're in a panic…"
That's the old Vietnam line: "We win every firefight!" Sure, we whip the Taliban every time we catch them with their weapons (if they're not holding weapons, we can't engage, even if they just killed Americans). But we dare not attack the Taliban leadership in Pakistan, where it's protected by our "allies." And no matter how many Taliban we kill, they still attract volunteers willing to die for their cause. The Afghans we train turn their guns on us.
It appears that the staff sergeant who murdered those Afghan villagers had cracked under the stresses of a war we won't allow our troops to fight. But the real madness is at the top, in the White House, where President Obama can't see past the November election; in Congress, where Republicans cling to whatever war they've got; and in uniform, where our generals have run out of ideas and moral courage.
That staff sergeant murdered sixteen Afghans. Our own leaders have murdered thousands and maimed tens of thousands of our own troops out of vanity, ambition and inertia. Who deserves our sympathy?
In war, soldiers die. But they shouldn't die for bullshit.

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