This is from JPFO, an excellent site and an awesome gun rights group.
JPFO Launches "High Cap Freedom"
by Rabbi Dovid Bendory, Rabbinic Director,
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
Copyright 2011 JPFO
First, some background to highlight the hypocrisy and stupidity of a high-capacity magazine ban.
Imagine you bought a Glock 17 9mm pistol a year ago. Your purchase was legal and included two 17-round magazines. Now along come Obama and other “common sense” gun-grabbers with a ban on “high capacity” magazines.
The result?
Based on the so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban of 1994, a federal mandate declares that after a certain date, the manufacture, sale, or re-sale of ammunition magazines that hold more than ten rounds is now illegal. Such manufacture, sale or re-sale will be a felony. This is how AWB1 (and high-cap ban) were enacted.
Of course, there will be the usual exceptions for law enforcement and military purposes. But Joe or Jane Citizen will find themselves felons for selling their 17-round mag. Depending on how effective the gun haters are, Joe and Jane may even become felons for not turning in or registering their magazines.
Next imagine that you, with your year-old Glock, are somehow found in possession of a 17-round magazine. When it comes to guns in this country, the government says we’re all guilty until proven innocent.
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