Several years ago there was a proposition 8 in the land of fruits and nuts called California, it was basically a defense of marriage act stating that marriage is only marriage if it is between a man and a woman. Well it passed with 7 million votes. It was struck down later on in the courts as "Unconstitutional". Well the CEO named Eich had contributed $1000 to it. He and 70,000 other people who did from the articles that I have read. First off, how did the donor list get published...Stuff like that is normally confidential. But as I understand..A newspaper the L.A. Times got hold of the donor list and published it. This disturbs me to a great deal, This list was published to support a certain political opinion that" happened" to support a liberal agenda, Yes I know...I am shocked.... if you have an opinion that isn't politically popular with what is considered "acceptable" in today's society according to the leftist ideology, then you are hounded. To me this is the new McCarthyism, We as a formerly free society still have rights to have our own opinion.
. I am a fan and a student of history as many who have read my blog will agree with, I put historical stuff and pictures on my blog all the time. There is a phrase that I like to use and it is very popular, " Those that forget the lessons of history will be doomed to repeat them.". If you lived in a totalitarian society like the Soviet Union for example, if you had an opinion that was different than the state sponsored belief , you kept it to yourself unless one of your neighbors found out and denounced you to the local party official and you would get an all expense paid trip to Siberia to work out at one of the labor camps until you either died or worked long enough to survive to do penance for having a thought that was counter to what was the "accepted" groupthink.
To give more background on this issue, Mozilla the maker of the popular web browser "Firefox" has been losing its market share to other browsers from the Internet Explorer, Chrome,Safari, Opera and Pale Moon.
I have used Firefox for many years, I considered it superior to IE it don't have the security glitches that seemed to be prevalent in the Microsoft offering. Well Eich whom was their chief software guy got the job to reverse the slide of Mozilla and return the software giant back to prominence. Well when he got the job to fix Mozilla's problems, apparently there was a group that got offended that Eich got the job, Well I am talking about the professional LGBT activist, they stirred up a supposed firestorm. I say "supposed". We all know that blog on the conservative side of the blogosphere is that the LSM(Lame Stream Media) decides what is newsworthy and releases it for broad dissemination to the uninformed masses. Provided that it fits certain criteria, usually supporting a liberal agenda or thoughspeak. Well Mozilla caved like Obama did for Putin and basically "encouraged" Eich to leave the company.
There are those that said that Eich first amendment rights were violated. Well here is a quick explaination of 1st amendment rights using Honey Badgers:
Well Mozilla fearing the wraith of the what I call the "Gay Lobby" basically showed him the door. There is a professional activist group out there that purports to back the LGBT community, They go absolutely bat crap crazy if there is any instance of what they perceive as a slight on the LGBT community. These activist have a very sensitive skin so anything is a slight and they immediately crank up the twitter outrage, and the facebook postings and anything else that deals with social media. and drum up what they call a firestorm of protest.
If you do not agree with the left and/or the LGBT Community on anything, they will find a way to exact retribution on you, so beware what you donate to as you exercise your right to free speech. The left is watching, and with a leaky federal government, your information may become available to the other side, illegally.
Remember the following story when you hear Democrats talk about transparency regarding donations to 501(c)4 organizations who do not have to report their lists of donors to the IRS. Also think about the unbridled ire we would hear from the left and the MSM if it was a liberal who was made to resign over the same issue at a conservative company.
That is what appears to have happened to Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, the inventor of Java Script, who dared to donate money to a cause of his choice years ago. What was the cause? Eich donated to California Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriages, which won that year only to be overturned by the courts last July.
(See the map of voting on Proposition 8 on the right from 2008. Notice the coastal community vote in yellow, they dominate California on all matters.)
That victory apparently was not enough for the LGBT community because Eich was forced to resign. Out-of-character for we at SUA to report a statement by Bill Maher, but he said this of the whole situation:
“I think there is a gay mafia,” Maher said. “I think if you cross them, you do get whacked.”But its not just the fact that they were upset, that they are sore winners after seeing the Proposition overturned, they got help from the IRS:
“…this fact first came to light in 2012, after the Internal Revenue Service leaked a copy of the National Organization for Marriage’s 2008 tax return to a gay-advocacy group…” (Read more at Gateway Pundit)As I recall the latest statistics, about 3% of the population is gay, and 97 percent of the population are cowed by the activities of 3% of the population.
Before anybody piles on me for being a "gay hater", I am a conservative libertarian, which basically means that my political beliefs are libertarian with a conservative leanings. What 2 adult aged people do in the privacy of their bedroom is NONE of my or the government's business. What I have a problem with is the ramming down my throat is the agenda of the professional gay activists that try to "mainstream" their beliefs into thinking that the "hanging it out there" behavior is acceptable. You doubt me..? Look what comes out of Hollywood, they have pushed their agenda through the broadcast media. It is all about power, the more they can influence people the more power they have. We as a society have been conditioned to be polite and that is a good thing, but they use that politeness against us. What I don't like is the gestapo like tactics used by the gay grievance industry. If you have an opinion that runs counter to what they believe, you are an evil person to be shunned and driven away or persecuted like how Islam views people that don't believe in Mohammed.
Oh *snap* I just mixed Islam and Gayness....I will have both groups pissed at me. But seriously, what sticks in my craw to use an old southern-ism. Is that they want everybody else to be tolerant of their beliefs....but they don't reciprocate the belief. It is supposed to be a 2 way street, but it is all one way. They want their cake and eat it too. We as a society are cowed into submissiveness by these antics and instead of telling these professional rabble rousers to go away, we just meekly bow our head because of the Politically correct movement has crushed any dissent to the politically accepted group think.
We live in what is called a formerly free society, the rules of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, what you could do what ever you wanted to as long as your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness didn't conflict with somebody's else pursuit of the same. Well it isn't that way anymore, I am an adult leader in the Boy Scouts of America, My son is a boy scout and I am very proud of him and the other boys that are in the program, the program teaches time tested values of how to succeed in life and prepare you to be a productive citizen of the Republic. What we basically do is take boys and teach them how to be "good" men. Well recently the B.S.A. got caught up in the gay lobby because of the exclusion policy that the B.S.A. maintains. No openly gay leaders are allowed. Boy Scouts have a " don't ask don't tell" policy. We don't ask, so you don't tell." Sexuality has no reason to be involved in this. We are gender neutral in this. The same gay activists that push the B.S.A to allow openly gay leaders, if these activists have any kids, their kids will NEVER be in the Boy Scouts, it is just a perceived glass ceiling to get broken. This is agenda driven, and not for the interest of the organization.
I don't know what will correct this situation, I do know that these people thrive in the Western based societies because we as a society are tolerant of others of different beliefs. The same gay activists would not survive in a totalitarian society or in a society that is religiously based like a caliphate would be imprisoned or killed. These people don't appreciate where they live and actively try to tear it down or support those that would.
Concur with all, and no they wouldn't survive... :-)
ReplyDeleteHey Old NFO;
DeleteI was kinda pissed when I wrote it. To see the shameless double standard really pissed me off. Also the same people that stirred up against Mozilla, are going after the "dropbox" program developer and company. Mozilla emboldened them.