
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Went to Klondike....and what an adventure.....

Well I was asked to run a range at Klondike, it is a council wide event ran by the Order of the Arrow.  I have been running the range for the past 4 years. Granted it is BB guns and normally boy scouts have the U.S Army in Vietnam attitude.."How much lead can we put downrange in a minute.."  Well I have changed it up...
      First off I made some awards...

One award was for the top shot for scouts, the other was for adults.  

I had the kids put their name and troop number on the target, then they got 3 shots.  I was looking for grouping.   This forced the kids to go slow and work the fundamentals.
 Then the adults shot, basically same criteria.  This is a game of skill and attention to fundamentals.

     It was a good weekend....except...My charging light came on Friday night on the way to work, I wanted to return but I already made the commitment and it would put a serious cramp to the kids that were depending on me.  So I went to work then when I got off work, I drove to the camp Saturday Morning.  I had already set up the range earlier in the week so it was laid out.   Well I made it to work and then drove to camp.  Well I was running from one side of camp to another Saturday evening and my lights were getting dim and I started suffering cascade failures in my electrical system...I barely made it to the parking lot and shut the truck off before the truck died in the street.

Had to get a tow to get home...The truck is at the shop to get the alternator replaced.  I wanted to call off the weekend but my sense of duty overrode my common sense, and my sense of duty got me a towing charge.   Eh it is what it is, when you don't have a car note, with older vehicles no matter how good they are, things break and you occasionally have a repair.


  1. Ouch, but thanks for being there for the kids!

    1. Hey Old NFO;

      It was worth it....I will tell myself that when the final fill for the repair comes in, LOL

  2. Alternators are a weak link in today's electronics-dependent vehicles. Back in the day when engines fired on "plugs and points," you could run all day with a dead alternator (or generator), you just couldn't use the headlights, wipers or radio as long as you had a jump to get started (and had enough charge in the battery for brake lights and turn signals).

    1. Hey Doug;
      People want fuel economy and horsepower, so that takes electronics and computers. It is a tradeoff.

  3. I can afford a $3-800 repair bill once a year a whole lot better than I can afford a $400 a month car/truck payment

    1. Hey Cannon;

      Yep you are spot on. I will happily deal with an occasional repair rather than a note and the insurance is cheaper. And if you like to go junkyard diving, you can upgrade the heck out of your ride. in my case, the Lincoln Navigator stuff will work if it is from the same generation :)


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