The mainstream media has shamelessly carried his water for 6 years and maybe there will be some integrity with the media.....But I doubt it.
This is from the American Thinker
Though they may publicly deny that there is any scandal in the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi
attack on September 11, 2012, there must be doubts emerging, if only
because we now know with certainty that a critical email was withheld in
violation of a subpoena from the Issa Committee. Though most Democrats
loathe Darrel Issa (and the entire Republican Party, for that matter),
the expression “cover-up” is now in play, and the senior Congressional
leadership of the party is old enough to remember the Watergate
hearings, and the articles of impeachment that emerged from that process, authored in part by a young committee staffer named Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Article 1 cited as part of the justification for impeachment:
withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
In Watergate, keep in mind, the underlying crime was a “third-rate burglary,” while in Benghazi,
it is a terror attack, the murder of an ambassador and three guards,
the desecration of their flag-draped caskets with a lie from the sitting
Secretary of State as to the perpetrators, and the continuing failure of the federal government to bring to justice their killers because the Pentagon’s hands have been tied
by the failure of the administration to name the perpetrators as
members of Al Qaeda. These matters are far more consequential than a
misbegotten intelligence-gathering operation.
mainstream media has been acting as a cofferdam around the story,
limiting its impact to the Fox News and conservative blogosphere ghetto.
But with a Select Committee about to be created, professional
prosecutorial staff to be hired and deployed, depositions of officials,
including Mrs. Clinton, to be taken for however many hours or days are
required, and more emails and other documents known to exist and
eventually to be released, more news will be created.
this point, the competitive instincts of the journalism pack may be
released, at least among some who have not completely signed on to the
proposition that The First Black President must be protected at all
costs. Last week saw an Alphabet Network White House Correspondent,
Jonathan Karl of ABC News, pursue Jay Carney with a zeal that would do
Fox News, The Washington Times, or The American Thinker proud.
Always lurking in the back of the minds of many professional
journalists is the fear of getting scooped on The Big One, even if they
wish the story didn’t exist.
Sharyl Attkisson may have left CBS News, which has its own dilemma to deal with on the Benghazi story, but she is far from silenced, with a book in process and a keen sense of righteous concern.
media cofferdam may be springing more leaks, which in turn means that
this story could build in an accelerating crescendo toward an election
that is half a year away. Quietly, in many cases subconsciously,
Congressional Democrats have got to be wondering if the SS Obama is a
sinking ship, and if so, whether they want to be on it.
The immediate question is: do they follow the suggestion
of California Democrat Adam Schiff and boycott the Select Committee,
hoping that they can thus tar it as a completely partisan operation.
There is considerable danger for such a hardline approach. First of all,
the committee will go on with them or without them, so whatever
evidence is produced through its investigation will be aired. With even
Speaker Boehner, an accommodationist of the first order, on board,
Democrats can be certain that Republicans are not about to abandon ship.
greater risk is that boycotting the hearings, Democrats could be seen
as implicating themselves in the cover-up. As much as they publicly
affirm their love and support for President Obama, many Congressional
Democrats are highly cognizant of two facts:
- His signature legislation has put many of them at risk in the 2014 election. Without ObamaCare, incumbents like Mary Landrieu could have sailed to re-election. But now their base is disheartened and the opposition energized
- President Obama is no longer trusted by the electorate to tell the truth. As the laureate of the Politifact Lie of Year award, skepticism over his forthcoming defenses for whatever the Select Committee will be legitimate. “Trust me” is an inadequate argument.
the moment, these doubts, suspicions, and worries will remain silent,
operating privately and often subconsciously. The first sign we will get
will be the reaction to Schiff’s boycott call.
it is time for self-preservation instincts to come to the fore. Almost
nobody who doesn’t call Delaware home wants to see a President Biden,
and impeachment of The First Black President remains virtually
unthinkable. But cautious distancing may be in order for Democrats.
Senator Elizabeth Warren will be watching Hillary Clinton, so deeply
implicated in the Benghazi lead-up and aftermath, to see if she follows
the advice of her friend Tina Brown,
an opinion leader of sorts among the fashionable progressives, and
decides that politics may not be worth the trouble. Benghazi could be
the end of more than one political career.
suppose it could be just a coincidence that as Benghazigate explodes,
bigtime Hillary Clinton supporter Tina Brown publishes a Daily Beast article imploring her not to run for president.
That phrase “alleged cackling laugh” is a hoot. Is it a warning shot? An attempt to seem fair and balanced? A tease from a friend?The political world and her most fervent fans may be exercised about a presidential bid. But she should forget it. If she wins, it's too much stress for too little return.I know as much as anyone, how much her most fervent supporters want Hillary Clinton to run for president. On the opening night of the Women in the World Summit the mere mention of the possibility had the audience on their feet. The fan base is there, and constituencies beyond it. (snip)
The first black president was a hotter plot line than the first woman president. Bad luck for Hillary. Obama stole her exceptionalism, leaving the press only with the hair, the alleged cackling laugh, and the over-familiar back-story, which meant dogging Bill around, hoping he'd lose it once in a while. (He obliged.)
If Hillary doesn’t run, she is going to need a cover story, explaining why it isn’t because of Benghazigate. She’s already got a grandchild bun in the oven. Now comes Tina B with another reason.
Cogent post there Mr. B, and definitely going to be an interesting few months... But if you think about it, BO still controls Justice, and Holder will jump to do as he's told. So even 'if' the committee comes up with chargeable offenses, I'm betting nothing will be done. And the media IS complicit in the coverup, plain and simple...