
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

more pithy thoughts.....

I am continuing my pithy thoughts on current events, the Soro's funded phenomenon for the destruction of the West has continued with appearances in Europe and in the Ukraine of all places and the President inquiring"Who's are the names of those idiots so I can deport them.."   and meanwhile here in America the litmus test continues......
People are going through other people social media post looking for the proper fealty for the cause.  Like I had commented in a prior post, it is like the true believers have awoken and are looking for the non believers to stone and cast out of society..
 We are a free people and we associate with whom we want to, it is our birthright as Americans but unfortunately many Americans have been indoctrinated to believe that the United States is evil and the root of all evil in the world.   These people have never been outside the United States and have never seen what life is like outside.
Meanwhile the same people that hate the United States have created their own mini state from 6 blocks that the police backed away from from the anarchist and antifa and the same created their own state that immediately went full hippy commune and lost their food to the urban outdoormans(Homeless people) that they invited who immediately took the food and left, leaving them screeching for vegan and soy substitutes.  then a warlord took over on the 2nd day.  impressing Lawdog on the American efficiency who was used to the  African way of going 3rd world.  My attitude is that President Trump needs to leave this alone, this is a Washington State problem and a Seattle problem.  The left would love to see President Trump get mired in dealing with this.  I would leave it and show the nation the weakness of the left in CHAZ/CHOP.
Speaking of Presidential candidates, the presumptive candidate Biden has been pretty quite lately, except for some mild pandering during the funeral for the saint for the BLM movement George Floyd, Mr. Biden has been pretty quiet, and there has been a lot of guessing who his Veep might be.

We really need to come together as a people if we are going to make the challenges that we have to make together, but right now we are divided and I am concerned greatly.  I went into a local range and there were a lot of people guying guns and ammo, some were scared and others were gearing up for a fight and that concerned me.  I have smelled the elephant to use an old term as have a bunch of my friends and I don't want to experience that again and don't want to fight my fellow Americans but I don't know what will pull us away from the abyss, but I will not bent my knee and submit to tyranny.  I am hoping by Gods grace that people will see reason and not get stupid.

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