
The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions." --American Statesman Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Don't waste the sacrifice

I shamelessly clipped the art  off "old NFO"

    If you havn't already bookmarked his site, do so it is worth a read or three.  This Gentleman is also a class act.

    the World War II generation are the ones that survived the Great Depression,   It was a hard time to be around with 25% unemployment and whole sections of the country moving from one area to another searching for a job and a better life.  The WWII generations are the ones that firmly established us as a superpower by their belief in this country and that we are the beacon of light in the world.  We were the standard of goodness in the world and the word "American" meant something to the rest of the world.  Our citizens were held in awe by what we represented.  Now we have the new generation that is squandering the birthright that is to be an American.  We are running up a debt that our kids and grand kids will have to pay because we as a society are more concerned about " what is in it for me" rather than what is best for the country.  We will be Greece in a few years unless we get our selves back in control.  We are Americans and I don't want to believe that the best days of us are behind us and my son will inherit a lesser America than what I inherited from my Dad's Generation.  We need to get our national destiny back, the belief in our exceptionalism.  That belief is what separated us from the rest of the world.  We as Americans have done more for the world than any other peoples.  But the new generation are being taught that we are not special, just average...like everybody else.  I refuse to accept that for we are Americans and we are the guiding light for freedom in the rest of the world.  We just have to realize that and embrace it like we used to.  I want the light that is America to be a beacon for the world like we used to be.


  1. Glad you did, and your words DO ring true! I just hope the younger generation will actually pay attention before it's too late!

  2. Truer words have never been spoken

  3. These are words, or likeness of them, stamped on the hearts of most immigrants to this America! We wanted to be here, live here and become Americans. Some of us have come straight from another country, many of us have come by a circuitous route, but we all have one thing in common: We believe in America, we love this country, and we are horrified and afraid to our very souls that this country will be devoured by a monster which we have thought dead and gone!


I had to change the comment format on this blog due to spammers, I will open it back up again in a bit.